iOS Question Swiftybutton Framework


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I am trying to learn to reference a swift framework that is available on github and use nativeobject or inline objc to access it.

I have no experience with any of these so I have a question. To understand things , I have downloaded the swiftybutton from github. I have opened the xcode project and under products I saw swiftybutton.framework. When I checked the file size it is 66kb.

But the framework Erel posted on the forum is about 545 kb and have other files in it.

I want to understand, did Erel changed anything on this framework or just downloaded from the Github and used objc and nativeobject to access it in the example ( not talking about the main example which uses the library , but the inline code which uses the framework ) . If yes , why are the files different if no what changes he made to framework to be able to use it as inline code ?



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I did make a small change to SwiftyButton but you can start without the change.

Have you already compiled the project?
Do you see a file named SwiftyButton inside SwiftyButton.framework?
I opened the xcode project of swiftybutton-master . Trying to compile gives me some errors like .h (altogh the .h file is there ) file not found and swiftlint not found.
I need add my provision files and etc before the compile right as in the b4i ? Because i did not yet.
Sorry first time using xcode.. Got 0 experience with it. But will learn.
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B4X founder
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I need add my provision files and etc before the compile right as in the b4i ?
No, because it is a framework project.

My project is attached. Note that it is important that you compile it while an iPhone is connected and set as the target. Otherwise the binary file will be a simulator binary.


    80.5 KB · Views: 192
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Licensed User
Longtime User
No, because it is a framework project.

My project is attached. Note that it is important that you compile it while an iPhone is connected and set as the target. Otherwise the binary file will be a simulator binary.
With the real device i get 2 errors
1: Shell Script invocation warning , swiftlint not installed
2: Could not create dir : users/b4i/.... permission denied.
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