USB connection fails


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Longtime User
Hello all,

I spent whole day yesterday with USB connection example using Erel's ADB code. I managed to run my device via HID profile. Android is sending data via routine SendDataToPlc every 100ms and device is flashing accordingly. All works fine, but after hour or more I get : java.lang.RuntimeException: Error queuing request .

I don't know what to do with it. Its my first app on Android and its driving my crazy. Can please anyone help me ?

Code for New_Data callback:

Sub Connection_NewData (Request As UsbRequest, InDirection As Boolean)

   If plc.HIDstreams.IsInitialized = False Then 
   End If
   ' don't handle OUT requests - False
   If InDirection = False Then 
      plc.ReleaseRequest(Request, plc.OutRequests)
   End If
   ' and handle INP requests
   If Request.Name = plc.DATA_READ Then
      plc.SendInRequest(plc.DATA_READ, 64)
      Log("RX : " & plc.RxPlcBuffer(0) & plc.RxPlcBuffer(63))
   End If
   plc.ReleaseRequest(Request, plc.InRequests)
End Sub

and rest of the code in plc block :

Sub Process_Globals
   Dim manager As UsbManager
   Dim HIDstreams As UsbDeviceConnection
   Dim outEndpoint, inEndpoint As UsbEndpoint
   Dim device As UsbDevice
   Dim interface As UsbInterface

   Dim MSG_READ, DATA_READ As String
   MSG_READ = "Msg-Read" : DATA_READ = "Data-Read"
   Dim InRequests, OutRequests As List
   Dim VID As Int : VID = 1240
   Dim PID As Int : PID = 63
   Dim RxPlcBuffer(64) As Byte
   Dim TxPlcBuffer(64) As Byte
End Sub

Sub PlcDisconnect
   If HIDstreams.IsInitialized Then 
   End If
End Sub

Sub FindAdbDevice As Boolean

   Dim usbdevices() As UsbDevice
   usbdevices = manager.GetDevices
   'Iterate over devices and find the correct one
   For i = 0 To usbdevices.Length - 1
      Dim ud As UsbDevice
      ud = usbdevices(i)
      'Iterate over interfaces
      For a = 0 To ud.InterfaceCount - 1
         Dim inter As UsbInterface
         inter = ud.GetInterface(a)
         If ud.VendorId = VID AND ud.ProductId = PID Then
            'found our device and interface
            device = ud
            interface = inter
            'Find correct endpoints
            For b = 0 To interface.EndpointCount - 1
               Dim endpoint As UsbEndpoint
               endpoint = interface.GetEndpoint(b)
               ' And claim it   
               If endpoint.Type = manager.USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT Then
                  If endpoint.Direction = manager.USB_DIR_IN Then 
                     inEndpoint = endpoint
                  Else If endpoint.Direction = manager.USB_DIR_OUT Then
                     outEndpoint = endpoint
                  End If
               End If
         End If
End Sub

Sub CheckPermission
   If device.IsInitialized Then 
      If manager.HasPermission(device) = False Then 
         'There is permission. Connect if neccessary.
         If HIDstreams.IsInitialized = False Then
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Sub MakeConnection
   HIDstreams = manager.OpenDevice(device, interface, True)
End Sub

Sub SendOutRequest(Name As String, Data() As Byte, Length As Int)
   Dim request As UsbRequest   
   request = GetRequest(True)
   request.Name = Name
   request.Queue(Data, Length)
End Sub

Sub SendInRequest(Name As String, Length As Int)
   Dim request As UsbRequest   
   request = GetRequest(False)
   request.Name = Name
   request.Queue(RxPlcBuffer, Length)
End Sub

Sub ReleaseRequest(Request As UsbRequest, RequestList As List)
End Sub

Sub GetRequest (Out As Boolean) As UsbRequest
   Dim r As UsbRequest
   Dim RequestList As List
   If Out Then RequestList = OutRequests Else RequestList = InRequests
   If RequestList.Size = 0 Then
      If Out Then
         r.Initialize(HIDstreams, outEndpoint)
         r.Initialize(HIDstreams, inEndpoint)
      End If
      r = RequestList.Get(0)
   End If
   Return r
End Sub

Sub SendDataToPlc
   If HIDstreams.IsInitialized = True Then
      ' Send test buffer 
      TxPlcBuffer(0) = 0x80
      SendOutRequest("Data", TxPlcBuffer, 64)
   End If   
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Will do, but I have updated SDK to API15 and also new Google USB drivers. Running test now and see what will happen. Maybe this will solve issue ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, just to follow up, because it was random problem with queue exception I have changed USB cable and problem has disappeared. USB HID profile together with USBserial driver works nice.
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