Android Code Snippet Using StartActivityForResult with JavaObject


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I started to prepare sample and found the root of problem.
I used local variable:
Private IOnActivityResult As Object = jo.CreateEvent("anywheresoftware.b4a.IOnActivityResult", "IOnActivityResult", Null)

while the original code used global one

Sub Process_Globals
   Private ion As Object
End Sub

I changed local to global and it works now correct.


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April 2014 !!!
It is possible to use it also to call internal activities? (Yes, you've already responded to me that I can use CallSubDelayed, but you did not developed this at that time )

There are no advantages for this method over CallSubDelayed. CallSubDelayed is simpler to use and is actually more powerful (for internal activities).

There could be an advantage: you could use it to know if the Activity was resumed.

"Recently" I have had problems about this; using startActivity, the following instructions will be executed immediately, without knowing if the Activity was completely activated (Activity_Resume raised).

So, if you can implement StartActivityForResult even for B4A Activities (and if it waits)...

Thank you


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Hey Erel,
If using this with a share intent, can I determine whether sharing was successful ?


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I'm using the share intent

Dim in As Intent
in.Initialize(in.ACTION_SEND, "")
in.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.TEXT", "This is my text to send.")
in.WrapAsIntentChooser("Share Via")


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how can I open this pircker with a specific item selected?

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