VoIP SIP (Voice Calls) System : Source Code

Louis Moskowitz

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Longtime User
Hi Guys

I am interested in the client apps for this. Do you think what you are doing could be used as a Zoiper replacement (Softphone). So register with a SIP server (Either a SIP provider or a PABX as an extension) and make and receive calls?

I see you have Android and IOS client. Would you consider a PC client (B4j sip phone)?



Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi Guys

I am interested in the client apps for this. Do you think what you are doing could be used as a Zoiper replacement (Softphone). So register with a SIP server (Either a SIP provider or a PABX as an extension) and make and receive calls?

The possibilities are endless because creating this type of service enables you to almost create your own cellular network because all you need is an internet connection and that's it.

As for the PABX because it's built using VoIP and SIP technologies so it's easy to implement a business telephone system.
We wanted to make the life for the developers easy so we created a B4J system admin, from this admin you could create what ever service you like, one of them is phone extensions (instead of dialing an ID just dial <4 digit numbers and the system will know if it's public or local)

I see you have Android and IOS client. Would you consider a PC client (B4j sip phone)?
The problem is we have a very limited time to complete this project so if we finished it before the planned time then we will add more features to the project one of them is B4J SIP Phone.

Thank you,


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Any news' ?
We are really looking forward to some preliminary screenshots / videos

We are still working on the system (server side).
usually we upload photos and videos a week before the release so stay tuned :)


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Hello my friend,
Is there any possibility to add encryption for messages and voice calls?
Thank you for your time.

Currently we are exactly on schedule but if we finished the project before the announced time then we will add the encryption feature.

Thank you,