Android Question Websocket library

Philip Prins

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Hello ,

I use the websocket server to share audio and video to Android and Windows clients.
On Windows (B4J) it works fine but on Android B4A sometimes packets are lost.
Especially on WiFi this happens more often.

Is there another websocket library for B4A or a reason for this?


Philip Prins

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Hello Erel,

It is not in the beginning of the audio but after a number of packets are received.
I keep the device awake so no problems there, it is not all the time that packets are missing.
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Philip Prins

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Sub wsh_RA(Params As List)
    'receive audio from websocket server
            AppActive = DateTime.Now
            lastServerPong = DateTime.Now
            Dim RxGSM1() As Byte
            Dim RxM As Map
            Dim RxStR As String
            Dim QL As String
            RxM = Params.Get(0)
            RxStR = RxM.Get("A")
            QL = RxM.Get("Q")
            RxName = RxM.Get("N")
            RxGroup = RxM.Get("G")
            If PreviousRxName <>  RxName Then
                PreviousRxName = RxName
            End If
            If Silence = False Then ' if sender is myself don not play audio
                RxGSM1 = su.DecodeBase64(RxStR)
                ''Log("Receiving audio  : "& RxM.Get("X"))
                If QL = "L" Then 'Decode GSM codec
                    Dim nbytes As Int=RxGSM1.Length
                    Dim bc As ByteConverter
                    Dim ninp As Int
                    Dim ptrx As Int
                    Dim ptrx2 As Int=0
                    ''Log("Got N. Bytes: " & nbytes)
                    Dim lungbuf As Int =nbytes/33*Buffersizeslash2
                    Dim buffbyte(lungbuf) As Byte
                    Dim bufgsm(33) As Byte
                    Dim buffint(160) As Short
                        For ninp =0 To nbytes-1 Step 33
                            For ptrx = 0 To 158
                                buffbyte(ptrx2+1 ) = Bit.ShiftRight (Bit.And(buffint(ptrx) , 0xFF00), 8)
                                buffbyte(ptrx2) = Bit.And(buffint(ptrx), 0xFF)
                                ptrx2 = ptrx2 + 2
                        audioStream.write(buffbyte) 'send to play device(speaker or earpiece)
                    End Try
                    ''Log("PCM codec")
'                    If Recording = True Then
'                        output.WriteBytes(RxGSM1, 0, RxGSM1.Length)
'                    End If
                End If
            End If
End Sub
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B4X founder
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You are doing a mistake to use WebSockets for this. Create a regular Socket connection instead. You are adding a lot of overhead.

WebSockets is based on TCP/IP. It will never lose "packets" without breaking the connection. It is possible that you are hitting size limits or sending data faster than it can be received.
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Philip Prins

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Hello Erel or anyone reading this,

How would you share a upload stream to multiple download streams just like your chat shared example?

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