Android Question webview in tabhost


Licensed User
Hi All,
Im trying to create android app where on the one of tab there will be WebView component(where will be displayed chart using GoogleCharts script)
However after initialize it - I can't hide it switching between tabhosts - it's always "on the top", how i can put it on the back or simply switch off?
Thank you for your help,




Licensed User
Longtime User
Upload a small project which shows the issue.
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Licensed User
ok, it sorted now ;-) I found reason why it wasn't working.
second small question cause - when it's "mounted" on tab host - legends are not displayed in full word - also chart is smaller than on full screen and I don't know how to change scale of it.
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Licensed User
Im using original Google Charts script - tried to find where I can find(liked into charts.bas) anything related with that drawing size to make it full screen. How can I move legends under the chart?
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Licensed User
There is a code from Google Charts. On which place I can modify size of this chart(to fill out background and showing Legends properly?). Thank you so much for help, Im stuck and dont know how resolve it.. :(
Code module
#IgnoreWarnings: 12

Sub Process_Globals
    'VERSION: 1.07 2014.05.09 modified by Klaus CHRISTL (klaus)
    ' added drawing last vertical line in all cases
    'VERSION: 1.06 2014.04.23 modified by Klaus CHRISTL (klaus)
    ' added AutomaticScale, this needs additional variables
    '    AutomaticScale As Boolean in LineData
    '    NbIntervals As Int in Graph
    'VERSION: 1.05 added DrawHorizonzal line
    'VERSION: 1.04 modified
    Type PieItem (Name As String, Value As Float, Color As Int)
    Type PieData (Items As List, Target As Panel, Canvas As Canvas, GapDegrees As Int, _
        LegendTextSize As Float, LegendBackColor As Int)
    Type GraphInternal (originX As Int, zeroY As Int, originY As Int, maxY As Int, intervalX As Float, gw As Int, gh As Int)
'    Type Graph (GI As GraphInternal, Title As String, YAxis As String, XAxis As String, YStart As Float, _
'        YEnd As Float, YInterval As Float, AxisColor As Int)
    Type Graph (GI As GraphInternal, Title As String, YAxis As String, XAxis As String, YStart As Float, _
        YEnd As Float, YInterval As Float, AxisColor As Int, NbIntervals As Int)
    Type LinePoint (X As String, Y As Float, YArray() As Float, ShowTick As Boolean)
'    Type LineData (Points As List, LinesColors As List, Target As Panel, Canvas As Canvas)
    Type LineData (Points As List, LinesColors As List, Target As Panel, Canvas As Canvas, AutomaticScale As Boolean)
    Type BarData (Points As List, BarsColors As List, Target As Panel, Canvas As Canvas, Stacked As Boolean, BarsWidth As Int)
    'Dim ScaleMin, ScaleMax, ScaleInterval As Double
    'ScaleInterval = 2
    'ScaleMin = 5
    'ScaleMax = 10
End Sub

#Region Bar chart methods
Sub AddBarPoint (BD As BarData, X As String, YArray() As Float)
    If BD.Points.IsInitialized = False Then
        'Add a "dummy" point as the first point to avoid drawing on the Y axis.
        Dim b As LinePoint
        b.X = ""
        b.ShowTick = False
    End If
    Dim b As LinePoint 'using the same structure of Line charts
    b.X = X
    b.YArray = YArray
    b.ShowTick = True
End Sub

Sub AddBarColor(BD As BarData, Color As Int)
    If BD.BarsColors.IsInitialized = False Then BD.BarsColors.Initialize
End Sub

Sub DrawBarsChart(G As Graph, BD As BarData, BackColor As Int)
    If BD.Points.Size = 0 Then
        ToastMessageShow("Missing bars points.", True)
    End If
    Dim point As LinePoint
    point = BD.Points.Get(1)
    If BD.Stacked = False Then
        drawGraph(G, BD.Canvas, BD.Target, BD.Points, True, BD.BarsWidth)
        'In stacked mode we don't need to leave space for all the bars.
        drawGraph(G, BD.Canvas, BD.Target, BD.Points, True, BD.BarsWidth / point.YArray.Length)
    End If
    'Draw bars
    Dim Rect As Rect
    Rect.Initialize(0, 0, 0, G.GI.originY)
    Dim numberOfBars As Int
    numberOfBars = point.YArray.Length
    'draw all bars
    For i = 1 To BD.Points.Size - 1
        point = BD.Points.Get(i)
        For a = 0 To numberOfBars - 1
            If BD.Stacked = False Then
                Rect.Left = G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * (i - 0.5) + (a - numberOfBars / 2) * BD.BarsWidth
                Rect.Right = Rect.Left + BD.BarsWidth
                If G.YStart < 0 And G.YEnd > 0 Then
                    If point.YArray(a) > 0 Then
                        Rect.Top = calcPointToPixel(point.YArray(a), G)
                        Rect.Bottom = G.GI.zeroY
                        Rect.Bottom = calcPointToPixel(point.YArray(a), G)
                        Rect.Top = G.GI.zeroY
                    End If
                    Rect.Top = calcPointToPixel(point.YArray(a), G)
                    Rect.Bottom = G.GI.originY
                End If
                Rect.Left = G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * (i - 0.5) - BD.BarsWidth / 2
                Rect.Right = Rect.Left + BD.BarsWidth
                If a = 0 Then
                    Rect.Top = calcPointToPixel(0, G)
                End If
                Rect.Bottom = Rect.Top
                Rect.Top = Rect.Bottom + calcPointToPixel(point.YArray(a), G) - G.GI.originY
            End If
            BD.Canvas.DrawRect(Rect, BD.BarsColors.Get(a), True, 1dip)
End Sub

'Draws the graph layout (not including the data)
'This method is used by Bars and Lines charts
Sub drawGraph (G As Graph, Canvas As Canvas, Target As View, Points As List, Bars As Boolean, BarsWidth As Int)
    Dim GI As GraphInternal
    G.GI = GI
    GI.maxY = 35dip                                                    'top margin 35dip
    GI.originX = 50dip                                            'left margin 50
    GI.originY = Target.Height - 80dip            'bottom margin bylo -70  Target.Height - 80dip = GI.originY - GI.maxY                          'graph width bylo  Target.Width - 70dip = GI.originY - GI.maxY                        'graph height GI.originY - GI.maxY
    'G.YStart = 2
    If G.YStart < 0 And G.YEnd > 0 Then
        GI.zeroY = GI.maxY + * G.YEnd / (G.YEnd - G.YStart)
        GI.zeroY = 2  'GI.originY
    End If
    If Bars Then
        Dim p As LinePoint
        p = Points.Get(1)
        GI.intervalX = ( - p.YArray.Length / 2 * BarsWidth) / (Points.Size - 1)
        GI.intervalX = / (Points.Size - 1)
    End If
    'Draw Y axis
    Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX, GI.originY + 2dip, GI.originX, GI.maxY - 2dip, G.AxisColor, 2dip)
    For i = 0 To (G.YEnd - G.YStart) / G.Yinterval + 1
        Dim y As Int
        Dim yValue As Float
        yValue = G.YStart + G.YInterval * i
        If yValue > G.YEnd Then Continue
        y = calcPointToPixel(yValue, G)
        Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX, y, GI.originX - 5dip, y, G.AxisColor, 2dip)
        If i < (G.YEnd - G.YStart) / G.Yinterval Then
            Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX, y, GI.originX +, y, G.AxisColor, 1dip)
            Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX, y, GI.originX +, y, G.AxisColor, 2dip)
        End If
        Canvas.DrawText(NumberFormat(yValue, 1, 2), GI.originX - 8dip, y + 5dip,Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, G.AxisColor, "RIGHT")
    'Draw last vertical line
    Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX+, GI.originY + 1dip, GI.originX +, GI.maxY - 1dip, G.AxisColor, 2dip) 'last vertical line
    'Draw titles
    Canvas.DrawText(G.Title, Target.Width / 2, 30dip, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Main.FontSize - 2, G.AxisColor, "CENTER")
    Canvas.DrawText(G.XAxis, Target.Width / 2, GI.originY + 60dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, G.AxisColor, "CENTER")
    Canvas.DrawTextRotated(G.YAxis, 15dip, Target.Height / 2, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, G.AxisColor, "CENTER", -90)
    'Draw X axis
    Canvas.DrawLine(GI.originX, GI.originY, GI.originX +, GI.originY, G.AxisColor, 2dip)
    For i = 0 To Points.Size - 1
        Dim p As LinePoint
        p = Points.Get(i)
        If p.ShowTick Then
            Dim x As Int
            If Bars = False Then
                x = GI.originX + i * GI.intervalX
                If i < Points.Size - 1 Then
                    Canvas.DrawLine(x, GI.originY, x, GI.maxY, G.AxisColor, 1dip) 'vertical lines
                End If
                x = GI.originX + (i - 0.5) * GI.intervalX
                Canvas.DrawLine(x, GI.originY, x, GI.originY + 5dip, G.AxisColor, 2dip)
            End If
            If p.x.Length > 0 Then
                Canvas.DrawTextRotated(p.x, x, GI.originY + 12dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 4, G.AxisColor, "RIGHT", -45)
            End If
        End If
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Line charts related methods
Sub AddLinePoint (LD As LineData, X As String, Y As Float, ShowTick As Boolean)
    If LD.Points.IsInitialized = False Then LD.Points.Initialize
    Dim p As LinePoint
    p.X = X
    p.Y = Y
    p.ShowTick = ShowTick
End Sub

Sub AddLineMultiplePoints(LD As LineData, X As String, YArray() As Float, ShowTick As Boolean)
    If LD.Points.IsInitialized = False Then LD.Points.Initialize
    Dim p As LinePoint
    p.X = X
    p.YArray = YArray
    p.ShowTick = ShowTick
End Sub

Sub AddLineColor(LD As LineData, Color As Int)
    If LD.LinesColors.IsInitialized = False Then LD.LinesColors.Initialize
End Sub

Sub DrawLineChart(G As Graph, LD As LineData, BackColor As Int)
    If LD.Points.Size = 0 Then
        ToastMessageShow("Missing line points.", True)
    End If

    If LD.AutomaticScale = True Then
        CalcScale(G, LD)
    End If

    drawGraph(G, LD.Canvas, LD.Target, LD.Points, False, 0)
    'Draw data lines
    Dim point As LinePoint
    point = LD.Points.Get(0)
    If point.YArray.Length > 0 Then
        'multiple lines
        Dim py2(point.YArray.Length) As Float
        'initialize first point
        For i = 0 To py2.Length - 1
            py2(i) = point.YArray(i)
        'draw all points
        For i = 1 To LD.Points.Size - 1
            point = LD.Points.Get(i)
            For a = 0 To py2.Length - 1
                LD.Canvas.DrawLine(G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * (i - 1), calcPointToPixel(py2(a), G), G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * i, calcPointToPixel(point.YArray(a), G), LD.LinesColors.Get(a), 2dip)
                py2(a) = point.YArray(a)
        'Single line
        Dim py As Float
        py = point.Y
        For i = 1 To LD.Points.Size - 1
            point = LD.Points.Get(i)
            LD.Canvas.DrawLine(G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * (i - 1), calcPointToPixel(py, G) _
                , G.GI.originX + G.GI.intervalX * i, calcPointToPixel(point.Y, G), LD.LinesColors.Get(0), 2dip)
            py = point.Y
    End If
End Sub

Sub calcPointToPixel(py As Float, G As Graph) As Int
    If G.YStart < 0 And G.YEnd > 0 Then
        Return G.GI.zeroY - (G.GI.originY - G.GI.maxY) * py / (G.YEnd - G.YStart)
        Return G.GI.originY - (G.GI.originY - G.GI.maxY) * (py - G.YStart) / (G.YEnd - G.YStart)
    End If
End Sub
#End Region

#Region  Pie related methods
Sub AddPieItem(PD As PieData, Name As String, Value As Float, Color As Int)
    If PD.Items.IsInitialized = False Then PD.Items.Initialize
    If Color = 0 Then Color = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255))
    Dim i As PieItem
    i.Name = Name
    i.Value = Value
    i.Color = Color
End Sub

Sub DrawPie (PD As PieData, BackColor As Int, CreateLegendBitmap As Boolean) As Bitmap
    If PD.Items.Size = 0 Then
        ToastMessageShow("Missing pie values.", True)
        Return Null
    End If
    Dim Radius As Int
    Radius = Min(PD.Canvas.Bitmap.Width, PD.Canvas.Bitmap.Height) * 0.8 / 2
    Dim total As Int
    For i = 0 To PD.Items.Size - 1
        Dim it As PieItem
        it = PD.Items.Get(i)
        total = total + it.Value
    Dim startingAngle As Float
    startingAngle = 0
    Dim GapDegrees As Int
    If PD.Items.Size = 1 Then GapDegrees = 0 Else GapDegrees = PD.GapDegrees
    For i = 0 To PD.Items.Size - 1
        Dim it As PieItem
        it = PD.Items.Get(i)
        startingAngle = startingAngle + _
            calcSlice(PD.Canvas, Radius, startingAngle, it.Value / total, it.Color, GapDegrees)
    If CreateLegendBitmap Then
        Return createLegend(PD)
        Return Null
    End If
End Sub

'Draws a single slice
Sub calcSlice(Canvas As Canvas, Radius As Int, _
        StartingDegree As Float, Percent As Float, Color As Int, GapDegrees As Int) As Float
    Dim b As Float
    b = 360 * Percent
    Dim cx, cy As Int
    cx = Canvas.Bitmap.Width / 2
    cy = Canvas.Bitmap.Height / 2
    Dim p As Path
    p.Initialize(cx, cy)
    Dim gap As Float
    gap = Percent * GapDegrees / 2
    For i = StartingDegree + gap To StartingDegree + b - gap Step 10
        p.LineTo(cx + 2 * Radius * SinD(i), cy + 2 * Radius * CosD(i))
    p.LineTo(cx + 2 * Radius * SinD(StartingDegree + b - gap), cy + 2 * Radius * CosD(StartingDegree + b - gap))
    p.LineTo(cx, cy)
    Canvas.ClipPath(p) 'We are limiting the drawings to the required slice
    Canvas.DrawCircle(cx, cy, Radius, Color, True, 0)
    Return b
End Sub

Sub createLegend(PD As PieData) As Bitmap
    Dim bmp As Bitmap
    If PD.LegendTextSize = 0 Then PD.LegendTextSize = 15
    'PD.LegendTextSize = 2
    Dim textHeight, textWidth As Float
    textHeight = PD.Canvas.MeasureStringHeight("M", Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, PD.LegendTextSize)
    For i = 0 To PD.Items.Size - 1
        Dim it As PieItem
        it = PD.Items.Get(i)
        textWidth = Max(textWidth, PD.Canvas.MeasureStringWidth(it.Name, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, PD.LegendTextSize))
    bmp.InitializeMutable(textWidth + 20dip, 10dip +(textHeight + 10dip) * PD.Items.Size)
    Dim c As Canvas
    For i = 0 To PD.Items.Size - 1
        Dim it As PieItem
        it = PD.Items.Get(i)
        c.DrawText(it.Name, 10dip, (i + 1) * (textHeight + 10dip), Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, PD.LegendTextSize, _
            it.Color, "LEFT")
    Return bmp
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Horizontal Line
'Draws a horizontal line at the given y value
'A text can be displayed
'y = y value
'Color = color of the line and the text
'Stroke = line thickness in pixels
'Text = text to draw
'Align = alignment
'      "LEFT" aligned
'      "CENTER" in the center
'      "RIGHT" aligned
'      "NONE" no text drawn
Sub DrawHorizontalLineText(G As Graph, BD As BarData, y As Double, Color As Int, Stroke As Float, Text As String, Align As String)
    Dim x1, x2, y1 As Float
    x1 = G.GI.originX
    x2 = G.GI.originX +
    y1 = G.GI.maxY + (G.YEnd - y) * / (G.YEnd - G.YStart)
    BD.Canvas.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1, Color, Stroke)
    Select Align
    Case "LEFT"
        BD.Canvas.DrawText(Text, x1 - 2dip, y1 + 4dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, Color, "RIGHT")
    Case "LEFTUP"
        BD.Canvas.DrawText(Text, x1 + 2dip, y1 - 2dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, Color, "LEFT")
    Case "CENTERUP"
        BD.Canvas.DrawText(Text, (x1 + x2) / 2, y1 - 2dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, Color, "CENTER")
    Case "RIGHT"
        BD.Canvas.DrawText(Text, x2 + 2dip, y1 + 4dip, Typeface.DEFAULT, Main.FontSize - 3, Color, "LEFT")
    End Select
End Sub
#End Region

#Region AutomaticScale
'Get min and max values of the line points
Sub GetLineMinMaxValues(LD As LineData) As Double()
    Dim j, j As Int
    Dim points As LinePoint
    Dim MinMax(2) As Double
    MinMax(1) = -1E10
    MinMax(0) = 1E10
    For i = 0 To LD.points.Size - 1
        Dim YVals() As Float
        points = LD.points.Get(i)
        If points.YArray.Length > 0 Then
            ' multiple lines
            YVals = points.YArray
            For j = 0 To points.YArray.Length - 1
                MinMax(1) = Max(MinMax(1),YVals(j))
                MinMax(0) = Min(MinMax(0),YVals(j))
        ' single line
            MinMax(1) = Max(MinMax(1),points.Y)
            MinMax(0) = Min(MinMax(0),points.Y)
        End If
    Return MinMax
End Sub

'Calculates automatic scales with 1, 2, 2.5, 5 standardized scales
'Needs to Dim the variables below in Process_Global or Globals
'Dim ScaleMin, ScaleMax, ScaleInterval As Double
Sub CalcScale(G As Graph, LD As LineData)
    Dim ScaleLog, ScaleMant, ScaleExp, ScaleDelta, ValDiff As Double
    Dim ScaleMin, ScaleMax, ScaleInterval As Double
    'ScaleInterval = 5
    Dim Log1, Log2, Log25, Log5, Log10 As Double
    Dim nbMin, NbUsedIntervals, NbUsedIntervalsTop, NbUsedIntervalsBottom, NbIntervalsToMove As Int
    Dim ValMinMax(2) As Double
    ValMinMax = GetLineMinMaxValues(LD)
    'check if min = max then unit scale
    If ValMinMax(0) = ValMinMax(1) Then
        ScaleInterval = 1
        ScaleMin = Floor(ValMinMax(0)) -ScaleInterval * G.NbIntervals / 2
        ScaleMax = ScaleMin + ScaleInterval * G.NbIntervals
        G.YStart = ScaleMin
        G.YEnd = ScaleMax
        G.YInterval = ScaleInterval
    End If
    ' logarithm variables
    Log1 = 0.00000000000001
    Log2 = Logarithm(2, 10) + 0.00000000000001
    Log25 = Logarithm(2.5, 10) + 0.00000000000001
    Log5 = Logarithm(5, 10) + 0.00000000000001
    Log10 = Logarithm(10, 10) + 0.00000000000001
    ValDiff = ValMinMax(1) - ValMinMax(0)
    ScaleDelta = ValDiff / G.NbIntervals
    ScaleLog = Logarithm(ScaleDelta, 10)
    ScaleExp = Floor(ScaleLog)
    If ValDiff >= 1 Then
        ScaleMant = ScaleLog - ScaleExp
        ScaleMant = Abs(ScaleExp) + ScaleLog
    End If
    ' calculate the scale interval
    If ScaleMant <= Log1 Then
        ScaleMant = 0
    Else If ScaleMant > Log1 And ScaleMant <= Log2 Then
        ScaleMant = Logarithm(2, 10)
    Else If ScaleMant > Log2 And ScaleMant <= Log25 Then
        ScaleMant = Logarithm(2.5, 10)
    Else If ScaleMant > Log25 And ScaleMant <= Log5 Then
        ScaleMant = Logarithm(5, 10)
    Else If ScaleMant > Log5 And ScaleMant <= Log10 Then
        ScaleMant = 1
    End If
    ScaleInterval = Power(10, ScaleExp + ScaleMant)
    ' check if the scale interval is OK
    If ValMinMax(0) < 0 And ValMinMax(1) > 0 Then
        NbUsedIntervalsTop = Ceil(ValMinMax(1) / ScaleInterval - 0.00000000000001)
        NbUsedIntervalsBottom = Ceil(Abs(ValMinMax(0)) / ScaleInterval - 0.00000000000001)
        ' check if there are more necessary intervals than available
        If NbUsedIntervalsTop + NbUsedIntervalsBottom > G.NbIntervals Then
            ' if yes increas the scale interval
            If ScaleMant <= Log1 Then
                ScaleMant = Logarithm(2, 10)
            Else If ScaleMant > Log1 And ScaleMant <= Log2 Then
                ScaleMant = Logarithm(2.5, 10)
            Else If ScaleMant > Log2 And ScaleMant <= Log25 Then
                ScaleMant = Logarithm(5, 10)
            Else If ScaleMant > Log25 And ScaleMant <= Log5 Then
                ScaleMant = 1
            Else If ScaleMant > Log5 And ScaleMant <= Log10 Then
                ScaleMant = Logarithm(20, 10)
            End If
            ScaleInterval = Power(10, ScaleExp + ScaleMant)
        End If
    End If
    ' calculate the scale min value
    nbMin = Floor(ValMinMax(0) / ScaleInterval)
    If Abs(ValMinMax(0)) <= 0.0000000000001 Then
        ScaleMin = 0
    Else If ValMinMax(0) >= 0 Then
        ScaleMin = nbMin * ScaleInterval
    Else If ValMinMax(0) < 0 And ValMinMax(1) > 0 Then
        ScaleMin = Floor(ValMinMax(0) / ScaleInterval + 0.00000000000001) * ScaleInterval
        ScaleMin = Floor(ValMinMax(0) / ScaleInterval + 0.00000000000001) * ScaleInterval
    End If
    ' distribution of empty intervals
    If Abs(ScaleMin) > 0.0000000000001 Then
        If ValMinMax(0) < 0 And ValMinMax(1) > 0 Then
            NbUsedIntervalsTop = Ceil(ValMinMax(1) / ScaleInterval - 0.00000000000001)
            NbUsedIntervalsBottom = Ceil(Abs(ValMinMax(0)) / ScaleInterval - 0.00000000000001)
            NbUsedIntervals = NbUsedIntervalsTop + NbUsedIntervalsBottom
            If NbUsedIntervalsTop - NbUsedIntervalsBottom = 1 Then
                NbIntervalsToMove = G.NbIntervals / 2 - NbUsedIntervalsBottom
                NbIntervalsToMove = (G.NbIntervals - NbUsedIntervals) / 2
            End If
            NbUsedIntervals = Ceil(ValDiff / ScaleInterval - 0.00000000000001)
            NbIntervalsToMove = (G.NbIntervals - NbUsedIntervals) / 2
        End If
        ScaleMin = ScaleMin - ScaleInterval * NbIntervalsToMove
    End If
    ' calculate the scale max value
    ScaleMax = ScaleMin + ScaleInterval * G.NbIntervals
    G.YStart = ScaleMin
    G.YEnd = ScaleMax
    G.YInterval = ScaleInterval
End Sub
#End Region
Last edited:
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Quickly edit your post and put all codes between [ code ] [ /code ]
You will get help.


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Licensed User
Im sorry - yesterday I wasn't sure how it can be done, now it should be much easier.
Really hope for any help, I have strange feelings that changing any of above parameters not affect anything in chart looks(I tried set different ScalInterval, ScaleMin/Max etc..)
Without any results, chart is stil shrined and legend is not displayed properly.
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