What's the story behind your avatar image?


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Even after many years in this community, I sometimes wonder what the story is behind the image of some users avatar.

Balloons on the head? Cray-1? QR code with a piece of advice for life? Pirate with grimace? Nathan Sawaya LEGO sculpture? Longing look at the sky through sunglasses? Snake? Cat? Sine Waves? ...

My photo was taken while cooking. When the lenses fog up, I let the glasses hang down on only one ear. My social other thought it looks stupid and took a photo...


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I like SimonsCat Cartoons and also helped with funding them to build the Colored Cartoon some years ago.

Simon also created some Images (one of them is the Avatar i use).
The Cat in the Image is Pointing to the food bowl (for sure! :D).

But the effect in using it as an Avatar here in the Forum it "looks like he is Pointing to "my Answer".

This is the Image in Original. Due to Corona i edited the Avatar used here as i also want to Care my Avatar in these days too ;-)


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My story is in posts #22 and #23 here


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I like SimonsCat Cartoons and also helped with funding them to build the Colored Cartoon some years ago.

Simon also created some Images (one of them is the Avatar i use).
The Cat in the Image is Pointing to the food bowl (for sure! :D).

But the effect in using it as an Avatar here in the Forum it "looks like he is Pointing to "my Answer".

This is the Image in Original. Due to Corona i edited the Avatar used here as i also want to Care my Avatar in these days too ;-)

View attachment 104669

Thank you for the detailed reply. I had always wondered what the cat was pointing at.


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I had always wondered what the cat was pointing at.
If you like to watch some of the Cartoons SimonsCat has produced.
Check out the Youtubechannel :cool:
There are some funny Cartoons :D



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Some of you know that I love mountains.
The mountain in the picture, the Matterhorn / le Cervin / il Cervino, is my favorite.
The picture was painted by a friend of mine, it hangs in my living room, Erel had even taken a picture of the original, about three years ago.
I had the chance to fly around and over it by helicopter some years ago.


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... Pirate with grimace? ....

As many of you know, I've been living in this forum for over 15 years now. I never changed my Username, but changed my avatar about 4 times.
I finished my studies around 1995 and started working in the local cabletv company, and worked there for about 13 years. In mid '96 The Cable Guy movie came out... at the time social networking almost resumed itself to some irc rooms.
I join the B4PPC family and adopted both the user name "Cableguy" as also the movies cover picture.

I stucked with this avatar for about 8 years and the created a different avatar like an android stamp. It lasted a few months, maybe just over a year.
My current avatar is a picture i took at one of Disney's (France) gift shops, around the time the 2nd pirates of the Caribbean got out.
I was dating my wife to be for a few months, and it stuck until now... its been over 5 years.

Yet... the one I will always better relate to is my original one... The Cable Guy !
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HOOKSHY is a fishing concept known as Hookshy FISH, it basically means that a fish that is caught and released will develop some skills in avoiding the hook next time he want to eat something !

There is an old and famous (here) italian song:

"♪♫ ... (tu) troverai un gancio in mezzo al cielo... ♫♪"
(you) will find a hook in the middle of the sky

So, hooksky (it should be skyhook but it's almost the same)

in fact the first time I saw your avatar I read it that way

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Alexander Stolte

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My profile picture was taken in the meeting room where I had my 1st job interview ever. 1 year later, instead of applying for an apprenticeship, I applied for an internship in another department and had another job interview there. Half a year later I started an apprenticeship and one day we had to lay new cables there and at that time I was developing apps for half a year and I liked the android figures. The photo was taken on 01.06.2017 at 15:01 on a Thursday.

I also have 2 Android characters at home, a smart nerd and a primal.


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My avatar is Emily Strange. I've never read about her... but, once I saw her in some internet place and I thought: "she's my wife¡¡¡"... She looks my wife like two twin water drops...
And in this picture, she's giving me some orders... like always... don't misunderstand me, she's not always ordering....
(sometimes she sleeps too)


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I used the same logo since about 1990:
This is actually an edit of a guy carrying the Olympic torch.

A few years ago someone in the forum offered to make a free logo. I thought it's about time for a change – so I took him up on the offer:

Sadly I have not seen him around the forum lately. I hope all is well.
