Which programming languages are you able to handle besides B4X?

Which programming languages are you able to handle besides B4X?

  • C / C++

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • C# / Objective C

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Phyton

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Java

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • Web (HTML5 / JavaScript / PHP )

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • Database (MS-SQL / mySQL / SQLite)

    Votes: 22 75.9%
  • Pascal

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Basic

    Votes: 27 93.1%
  • Assembly

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 6 20.7%

  • Total voters


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Please vote and comment. :)

My votes: VB6, C, C++, mySQL, SQLite, some Pascal and good ol' QBasic!

Note: Some of the languages were put together side-by-side, only due to the poll's limited size.


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Hmm, I checked them all. I think I have worked with most programming languages that exist. In some languages I had to change just a few code lines but I was able to understand them all.
Additionally to the list above I would say that I have much experience with Oracle PL/SQL. There are some other languages that I used in the past but are not worth mentioning anymore (Modula, Oberon, ...).

If you know how to program, different languages are more or less just different syntax variants.


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I'm only been programming for a few years so i consider myself a novice. But i have experience with; VB6, VB.net and some JAVA.
Databases is more my thing as I maintain +800 customer databases with a team of 3. So my knowlegde of MS SQL, MySQL, SQLLite is quite good.


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What are you going to do with the information gathered ?

Build a new programming soft where u can use any language and export to android/ios/ps/xbox/windows/java/linux...

Who will make this will be very rich ;)

You can call it "x2x"


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My experience is in control systems, PLC's and Robotics. Therefore Siemens STL and Kawasaki AS would be two languages that I'm more proficient with. A lot of the other languages I'd struggle to write a program from scratch but would feel reasonably comfortable debugging and modifying an existing project.


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Define handle? I wrote in C 25 years ago and was quite good. Now? Forget it. I have done some Python code. Am I a Python programmer? No. HTML and Javascript? sure I have played and done some production work in them but I could not take a job as a programmer in those.


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Lucky for me , you used the term 'Handle' . If the question was .. which languages are you Proficient in ??
I would be requesting the option 'None' myself .;)
Same for me, because the only language I remember well is... Italian :p

Forget proficient...
How about employable?

[SQL ("absolute", it is a must)]

P.S. Again about
Forget proficient...
How about employable?
Wordpress or similar tools - CMS (it's not a language but...) and you need to be able to create responsive web pages - see this example: www.b4x.com :)
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What are you going to do with the information gathered ?
Nothing, I'm just curious... Maybe Erel will find it useful though.

Define handle? I wrote in C 25 years ago and was quite good. Now? Forget it. I have done some Python code. Am I a Python programmer? No. HTML and Javascript? sure I have played and done some production work in them but I could not take a job as a programmer in those.
Well, by "handle" I mean being able to create, read and modify source code, with a minimal degree of understanding what you're doing, and not just "trial and error" as Java is for me.


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Same for me, because the only language I remember well is... Italian :p:)

Well i've done some assembler, Pascal, qbasic, vb, vba and some c#... Of course b4x -i...
After being in France for 6 years now i sometimes speak Frenchese, others Portugech!


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Well, by "handle" I mean being able to create, read and modify source code with a minimal degree of understanding what you're doing and not just "trial and error

OK, got it. But...

I work full time in VB.NET on a single program (Hundreds of thousands lines and 15 or 20 supporting DLL's not counting the 3rd party DLL's) and I will tell you, some of you VB.NET experts would not be able to walk in and be productive at all on this code in your 1st month. The running joke at work is 6 months to understanding the industry we support, the next 6 months is understanding our .NET custom framework. (just because your language supports OOP'S dose not not mean you should use it!!!!!) Really, the code is the easy part. LOL


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Well i've done some assembler, Pascal, qbasic, vb, vba and some c#... Of course b4x -i...
After being in France for 6 years now i sometimes speak Frenchese, others Portugech!

LOL, I am in Ukraine now an me and the wife speak a combination of English and Russian. It is really our own language!!


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I work full time in VB.NET on a single program (Hundreds of thousands lines and 15 or 20 supporting DLL's not counting the 3rd party DLL's) and I will tell you, some of you VB.NET experts would not be able to walk in and be productive at all on this code in your 1st month. The running joke at work is 6 months to understanding the industry we support, the next 6 months is understanding our .NET custom framework. (just because your language supports OOP'S dose not not mean you should use it!!!!!) Really, the code is the easy part. LOL
+1000 - know core language statements is not enough. We spend much more time to learn frameworks and tools.


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This is the reason why Erel emphasizes the power of B4X: whatever the type of project, whatever the system that you want to implement, you can use a single language, basic like, and many tools which have the "same aspect" (IDE) and functionality.

I think that the ultimate goal is to use very similar tools together, a single language. Something is missing today?


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Basic: I started programming with VB.NET. When I got my second Mac (iMac 8,1) several years later I found Xojo. After being treated as an outsider, and after switching back to Windows, I found B4X.

Python: I know some Python. I mainly learned it from looking at the source code of "Reggie!", an unofficial level editor for New Super Mario Bros Wii. Also experimented with Kivy.

C: I know some C thanks to Wii Homebrew.

Web, PHP: I know some PHP thanks to WordPress & also some private projects.

Database: I know SQLite, but I have switched to utilities like Key Value Store to save time from having to type repeat statements.