I'm trying to write a file with the email of the google account the user signs in with. The problem is that if I try to write the file before the signinwithgoogle sub has ended, I get an error.
So I wrote this:
WriteFile is a sub I wrote.
What can I use instead of sleep to write the file in the exact moment after SignInWithGoogle has ended?
I tried with Wait For but I couldn't get the right syntax.
I'm trying to write a file with the email of the google account the user signs in with. The problem is that if I try to write the file before the signinwithgoogle sub has ended, I get an error.
So I wrote this:
Starter.auth.SignInWithGoogle 'google login
What can I use instead of sleep to write the file in the exact moment after SignInWithGoogle has ended?
I tried with Wait For but I couldn't get the right syntax.