I have created a function to count my seconds since January 30, 1899.
This function returns a result that is over 3,000,000,000. I thought of using a long, but when effect multiplication has a negative result.
What kind of data should I use?
I also tried with float and double without success.
The code:
Log Result
This function returns a result that is over 3,000,000,000. I thought of using a long, but when effect multiplication has a negative result.
What kind of data should I use?
I also tried with float and double without success.
The code:
Sub getTikker() As Long
Dim p As Period
Dim oggi As Long = DateTime.Now
Dim inizio As Long = DateUtils.SetDateAndTime(DateTime.GetYear(oggi), DateTime.GetMonth(oggi), DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(oggi), _
DateTime.GetHour(oggi),DateTime.GetMinute(oggi), DateTime.GetSecond(oggi))
Dim fine As Long = DateUtils.SetDateAndTime(1899, 12, 30, 23, 59 ,59)
p = DateUtils.PeriodBetweenInDays(fine, inizio)
Dim tmp As Long = p.Days * 86400 + p.Hours * 3600 + p.Minutes * 60 + p.Seconds
Log("long: " & tmp)
Dim tmp2 As Double = p.Days * 86400 + p.Hours * 3600 + p.Minutes * 60 + p.Seconds
Log("double: " & tmp2)
Log("simple long data type test")
Log("43872 * 86400 = " & (43872 * 86400)) ' simple long test
Return tmp
End Sub
Log Result
Logger connesso a: samsung SM-A405FN
--------- beginning of main
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
long: -504470928
double: -5.04470928E8
simple long data type test
43872 * 86400 = -504426496
** Activity (main) Resume **