B4J Share Your Creations

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I appreciate the beauty of simplicity, and it is often the key to finding solutions, but it...
Hi, this is my 3rd b4j Webapp. I wanted to create a shared Movie Cloud so my kids can watch...
hi, i have just finished my second b4j WebApp that is using the jServer (super powerful...
Hi, This is an application I've been developing for the past year, and I think will nicely...
Open Source Project viewing all devices and current values from the HomeMatic Smart Home Central...
Hello everyone :) *Thank you @Erel for making this possible :) We are in the making of an...
After many many iOS, Android, Desktop applications I wrote using the BEST tool B4X I decided to...
This is my first contribution to this part of the forum... Building color themes into an app...
I share two classes in case someone can use it. In the attached project it is two classes...
hi thanks @moster67 for wrapping Vlcj i only add seekbar and convert to class for use in...
The task of creating menu for b4j is not simple because you have to create a jason string. I...
Hi All, I have made the fast normal distribution random number generator. The server is named...
Hi All I have added polar value interpolation to speedy spline. This takes angles in the...
Compass Satellites Position Satelltes Signal Speedometer Altimeter
Hi, Please find attached a demo program that implements a natural cubic spline for curve...
Hi I developed a power supply monitoring system which processes and displays large amounts of...
Hi there, I've spent several months on this project. Now I would like to share with you what...
COVID-19 stay at home wow B4J video jRetail
Hi all! This is the old Athena Lite and Starcloud page!! I prefer to maintain only one page so...
The method is explained here...