B4A Library AdColony Library

Original library: https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-Android-SDK
Based on AdColony Library v4.6.5 (21 October 2021).
Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Interstitial.


Author: AdColony - B4a Wrapper: Pendrush
Version: 4.65
  • AdColonyBanner
    • Events:
      • OnClicked
      • OnClosed
      • OnLeftApplication
      • OnOpened
      • OnRequestFilled
      • OnRequestNotFilled
    • Fields:
      • AD_BANNER As Object
        Supported Sizes:
        320×50 standard
        Min: 300×50
        Max: 450×75
      • AD_LEADERBOARD As Object
        Supported Sizes:
        970×90 standard
        Min: 600×75
        Max: 1200×150
        8:1 aspect ratio
        Supported Sizes:
        300×250 standard
        Min: 300×300
        Max: 450×450
      • AD_SKYSCRAPER As Object
        Supported Sizes:
        160×600 standard
        Min: 160×640
        Max: 240×960
    • Functions:
      • BringToFront
      • Destroy
        Destroy banner Ad.
      • Initialize (arg1 As String)
      • InitializeBanner (EventName As String, AppID As String, ZoneID As String, GDPR As Boolean, GDPRConsent As String, COPPA As Boolean, COPPAConsent As String, CCPA As Boolean, CCPAConsent As String)
        GDPR - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine the GDPR requirement of the user. If it's set to true, the user is subject to the GDPR laws.
        GDPRConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has given consent to store and process personal information and a value of "0" means the user has declined consent. Please note that this is not compliant with IAB standards and may reduce your ad fill rate for demand providers which accept IAB consent signals exclusively.
        COPPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine whether COPPA is applicable for the user. If it's set to true, AdColony will behave with the understanding COPPA is applicable for the user.
        COPPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the COPPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        CCPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will indicate to AdColony whether CCPA is applicable legislation for the user.
        If it's set to true, the user is subject to the CCPA. Note that IAB US Privacy String has information embedded into the string to
        indicate whether CCPA is applicable. In the event of conflicting signals between the IAB US Privacy String and setPrivacyFrameworkRequired(),
        we will interpret as CCPA being applicable.
        CCPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the CCPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        AdColony.InitializeBanner("AdColony", "YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_ZONE_ID", False, "1", False, "1", False, "1")
      • Invalidate
      • Invalidate2 (arg0 As android.graphics.Rect)
      • Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • RemoveView
      • RequestBannerAd (AdSize As com.adcolony.sdk.AdColonyAdSize)
        Request banner Ad, onRequestFilled event will fire when request is successful.
      • RequestFocus As Boolean
      • SendToBack
      • SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As android.graphics.Bitmap) As BitmapDrawable
      • SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
      • SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
      • SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
      • SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
    • Properties:
      • Background As android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
      • Color As Int [write only]
      • Enabled As Boolean
      • Height As Int
      • Left As Int
      • Padding As Int()
      • Parent As Object [read only]
      • Tag As Object
      • Top As Int
      • Visible As Boolean
      • Width As Int
  • AdColonyInterstitial
    • Events:
      • OnExpiring
      • OnOpened
      • OnRequestFilled
      • OnRequestNotFilled
    • Functions:
      • InitializeInterstitial (EventName As String, AppID As String, ZoneID As String, GDPR As Boolean, GDPRConsent As String, COPPA As Boolean, COPPAConsent As String, CCPA As Boolean, CCPAConsent As String)
        GDPR - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine the GDPR requirement of the user. If it's set to true, the user is subject to the GDPR laws.
        GDPRConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has given consent to store and process personal information and a value of "0" means the user has declined consent. Please note that this is not compliant with IAB standards and may reduce your ad fill rate for demand providers which accept IAB consent signals exclusively.
        COPPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine whether COPPA is applicable for the user. If it's set to true, AdColony will behave with the understanding COPPA is applicable for the user.
        COPPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the COPPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        CCPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will indicate to AdColony whether CCPA is applicable legislation for the user.
        If it's set to true, the user is subject to the CCPA. Note that IAB US Privacy String has information embedded into the string to
        indicate whether CCPA is applicable. In the event of conflicting signals between the IAB US Privacy String and setPrivacyFrameworkRequired(),
        we will interpret as CCPA being applicable.
        CCPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the CCPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        AdColony.InitializeInterstitial("AdColony", "YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_ZONE_ID", False, "1", False, "1", False, "1")
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • RequestInterstitial
        Request Interstitial Ad, OnRequestFilled event will fire when request is successful.
      • Show
        Show Interstitial Ad
        DO NOT Show Ad before OnRequestFilled event fire.
  • AdColonyRewardedInterstitial
    • Events:
      • OnExpiring
      • OnOpened
      • OnRequestFilled
      • OnRequestNotFilled
      • OnReward (Reward As Map)
    • Functions:
      • InitializeRewarded (EventName As String, AppID As String, ZoneID As String, GDPR As Boolean, GDPRConsent As String, COPPA As Boolean, COPPAConsent As String, CCPA As Boolean, CCPAConsent As String)
        GDPR - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine the GDPR requirement of the user. If it's set to true, the user is subject to the GDPR laws.
        GDPRConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has given consent to store and process personal information and a value of "0" means the user has declined consent. Please note that this is not compliant with IAB standards and may reduce your ad fill rate for demand providers which accept IAB consent signals exclusively.
        COPPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will determine whether COPPA is applicable for the user. If it's set to true, AdColony will behave with the understanding COPPA is applicable for the user.
        COPPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the COPPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        CCPA - The value passed via setPrivacyFrameworkRequired() will indicate to AdColony whether CCPA is applicable legislation for the user.
        If it's set to true, the user is subject to the CCPA. Note that IAB US Privacy String has information embedded into the string to
        indicate whether CCPA is applicable. In the event of conflicting signals between the IAB US Privacy String and setPrivacyFrameworkRequired(),
        we will interpret as CCPA being applicable.
        CCPAConsent - A value of "1" implies the user has not opted-out to the sale of their data, as defined by the CCPA, and AdColony should continue with our standard processing of user information. A value of "0" means the user has opted-out to the sale of their data.
        AdColony.InitializeRewarded("AdColony", "YOUR_APP_ID", "YOUR_ZONE_ID", False, "1", False, "1", False, "1")
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
      • RequestRewarded
        Request Rewarded Ad, OnRequestFilled event will fire when request is successful.
      • Show
        Show Rewarded Ad
        DO NOT Show Ad before OnRequestFilled event fire.

For Interstitial Ad and for Rewarded Interstitial Ad you need to add this in your manifest:
            android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />
            android:hardwareAccelerated="true" />)

For GDPR, COPPA and CCPA please read: https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-Android-SDK/wiki/Privacy-Laws

Download library zip file and extract archive to Additional Libraries folder.


  • AdColonyExample.zip
    14.1 KB · Views: 492
  • AdColonyLib.zip
    466.5 KB · Views: 282
Last edited:


New version in post #1
Thanks a lot! I'm new to adcolony, and test ads were working great for the first 3 days, and then returns onRequestNotFilled instantly with no errors in the unfiltered logs at all... Any idea? (Even on the demo project, maybe my files are wrong??)


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Demo ads mostly do not work as it should. Can you test with real app id and zone id?