Wish Add a space after each comma and function word automatically.


Deleted member 103

I know you can write a code like this
Public Sub DistanceInMeters(Lat1 As Double,Long1 As Double,Alt1 As Int,Lat2 As Double,Long2 As Double,Alt2 As Int) As Double
    Dim XYZ1(3) As Double=LocationToPoint(Lat1,Long1,Alt1)
    Dim XYZ2(3) As Double=LocationToPoint(Lat2,Long2,Alt2)
    Dim dx As Double=XYZ1(0)-XYZ2(0)
    Dim dy As Double=XYZ1(1)-XYZ2(1)
    Dim dz As Double=XYZ1(2)-XYZ2(2)
    Return Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)/1000
End Sub

But with blank is much more readable.
Public Sub DistanceInMeters(Lat1 As Double, Long1 As Double, Alt1 As Int, Lat2 As Double, Long2 As Double, Alt2 As Int) As Double
    Dim XYZ1(3) As Double = LocationToPoint(Lat1, Long1, Alt1)
    Dim XYZ2(3) As Double = LocationToPoint(Lat2, Long2, Alt2)
    Dim dx As Double = XYZ1(0) - XYZ2(0)
    Dim dy As Double = XYZ1(1) - XYZ2(1)
    Dim dz As Double = XYZ1(2) - XYZ2(2)
    Return Sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) / 1000
End Sub


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I agree and disagree. I like VS doing it's thing but also like the freedom to format certain thing's certain ways.
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