Other B4A UI Cloud is now online - The easy way to test your layout!


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Basic4android UI Cloud is a new service that will help you with testing your layouts on multiple devices.

Using the UI Cloud is very simple. From the designer you choose Tools - Send To UI Cloud (or press F6). The layout will be sent to a set of devices hosted by Anywhere Software. Once the process is complete, the browser will open with two screenshots taken from each device.

Pressing on any thumbnail image will show the full image.

The set of devices currently includes:
- Galaxy S4
- Samsung Galaxy I9000
- Nexus 7
- Nexus 5
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
- Kindle Fire
- HTC One S
- Samsung Galaxy Note
- Samsung Pocket

The variant used for each device (and orientation) is the same as the variant that will be chosen at runtime.
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Downloaded and tested.

Excellent ... Erel, thank you very very much!
Motorola Defy +
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It seems the beta devices aren't choosing the correct layout variant that's specified in the designer. I supplied a layout variant for 960x600 (7" Tablet Landscape) and one for 480x320 (4" Phone Landscape). When I run the app on my Kindle Fire it chooses the 7" Landscape variant correctly, however on the cloud Kindle Fire, it chooses the 4" Phone Landscape variant. The Nexus 7 Tablet on the cloud device also chose the incorrect variant, but I do not have that device to test against. This could be a potential bug and I can provide more details on what I was doing through a private message.
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When you're planning to add more phones can you add the resolution of my Samsung Galaxy Apollo i5800 aswell?

it's 240x400 full screen, not sure what ratio it has tho.

could save me some time of usb cable switching since I compile to a tablet these days which installs a lot faster.
(or can you have 2 devices attached and selecto to which one it has to send'n run?)
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Hi Erel, That's really cool and it works very well. I dynamically create most of my pages but I can see that people with out dynamic pages will find it incredibly useful.

I'll probably use it more for templating my pages to see the effects that the various devices will have on the dynamic layouts.

Best Regards,

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Remote Installation?

Hi Erel,
Is there way that you could install your widget which built by B4A from your country to my tablet in Thailand by using cloud technology if you known my tablet's IP Adress as same as B4A bridge 's installation via wireless.

Best Regards
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Compared to other Basics for tablets this makes a better impression.
It is even stronger typed then VB. Syntax error detection is very good.
Look for sites that offer it at a reduced price.
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This is more of a wish perhaps to enhance UI Cloud:
1. The ability to select only one of the UI Cloud devices.
2. Ability to export more than one layout at a time. Needs to be limited of course.
3. When an app is designed for portrait orientation for instance, have the ability to hide the landscape and vice versa.
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What do you use for the HTC emulation? I did not see an install option for that phone in B4a or java managers/installers. If there is one which is close, which one is it? I would like to target a smart phone close in capabilities to most smart phones on the market.

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Can I please get a +1 on getting Cloud UI proxy support?

I'm trapped behind enemy lines here and would love to use the UI tool.
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