Other B4J v6.01 has been released!


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I'm happy to release B4J v6.00. This is the largest update to the IDE since the release of the new IDE.

Several important components were rewritten to provide more features and better performance:
  • Visual designer properties grid
  • Visual designer views tree
  • Modules tree (new component)
  • Files tree
The major improvements are:
  • Code modules can be loaded from other folders and can be easily shared between projects (including projects targeting other platforms): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-modules-files-groups-and-folders.86587/


  • Modules and file tree support grouping:


  • Modules are monitored for external changes.
  • Files tree shows the files icons and allows opening the files with external editors: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-external-editors.86592/


  • Modules, files and views can be renamed directly from the relevant tree.
  • Full support for drag and dropping files and modules, including support for dragging multiple items.
  • B4A services and activities can be shared with B4J. They will be treated as static code modules.
  • New options when adding modules:


    Copy to folder: Copies the module to the project folder (same as the current behavior).
    Link - relative path: Adds a link to the module with a relative path. Useful when the folder is under or close to the project folder.
    Link - absolute path: Adds a link to the module with an absolute path.

  • Deleted files are moved to the recycle bin.
  • Properties grid and views tree can be filtered.
  • Properties grid is much faster and includes new types of editors:



  • Better support for version control. Files are only written when the contents are actually changed.
  • The modules internal attributes are sorted in lexicographical order to reduce changes.
  • Button Click event. The new event replaces the Action event. The Action event still works but doesn't appear in the autocomplete list. The Click event is the same as in B4A and B4i.
  • Previous animations are cancelled when a new animation of the same type starts. This behavior is similar to the behavior in B4A and B4i and it makes it much simpler to work with animations.
  • jXUI library is now an internal library.
  • Debugger hover window is resizable.
  • Add New Modules / Existing modules menu items in modules tree.
  • Code editor color picker is based on the designer color picker.
  • Open file with default program in Files tree. Also works with double click.
  • Support for opening multiple files at once.
  • Better handling of locked files.
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements.

B4J v6.0 can be downloaded here: www.b4x.com/b4j.html
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Support for UI for Raspberry pi? Please...
That does not depend on EREL, but on Oracle and the underlying Java version implemented. You can however use ABMaterial (B4J based framework) and execute it from your pi, making it accessible from internet, or running locally
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Well-Known Member
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@Cableguy and all users... Yes, but this require another device... :( The Raspberry is not indipendent. Maybe there is a way to use other UI than JavaFX? Maybe old Swing UI?

I too I need UI that works on the PI, this break my develop on ARM based devices because I need indipendent device not served from another device, so to make portable devices (I use official Raspberry 7 Inch touchscreen) that execute B4J applications. The only solution I've found is to use Jabaco, it not use JavaFX UI and UI works well.

On Raspberry PI side I've installed (openjdk) and (opejfx) and some my B4J apps works, but very very slow, so I've decided to make some tests and written some simple apps (just for test) that draw on a Canvas 100.000 lines and count the elapsed time after a draw is finish. :( On the Raspberry PI 3 this works about 20 times slower that my old dualcore pc.

So I too still awaiting from long time a way to write UI applications that runs directly on RPI without use the web interface and served from other devices.

But to develop Win applications B4J is a very powerful tool that I use every day from first release 1.00.
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You can open ABM material on localhost, so you can open your browser, and launch the ABM webapp that it host! No other device needed!
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Well-Known Member
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This is an interesting solution ;) but execute apps on the browser :(
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
@Cableguy and all users.. Yes, but this require another device... :( The Raspberry is not indipendent. Maybe there is a way to use other UI than JavaFX? Old Swing ?
I too I need UI that works on the PI, this break my develop on ARM based devices because I need indipendent device not served from another device, so to make portable devices (I use official Raspberry 7 Inch touchscreen) that execute B4J applications. The only solution I've found is to use Jabaco, it not use JavaFX UI and this work well.

On raspberry PI side I've installed openjdk and opejfx and some my B4J apps works, but very very slow, so I've decided to make some tests and I've written some simple apps (just for test) that draw on a Canvas 100.000 lines and count the elapsed time after a draw is finish. :( On the Raspberry PI 3 this works about 20 times slow that my old pc dualcore.

So I too still awaiting from long time a way to write UI applications that runs directly on RPI without use the web interface and served from other devices.

But to develop Win applications B4J is a very powerful tool that I use every day from first release 1.0.
Have you seen this post? https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...w-application-with-javafxports.78235/#content and https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-pi-and-run-gui-apps-sept-2017.83379/#content
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is awesome, thanks. Is it recommended to uninstall the old version first before installing the new version or can I just upgrade it?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
That does not depend on EREL, but on Oracle and the underlying Java version implemented. You can however use ABMaterial (B4J based framework) and execute it from your pi, making it accessible from internet, or running locally
Yes, ABMaterial is amazing for pi, but my learning curve is so slow... WYSIWYG needed!
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