B4A-B4J-B4R Libraries, Classes, Code Snippets
Not all, but most of my B4A-B4J-B4R libraries are fully open-source and I will post one
or more demo projects with inline classes you can recompile directly to a library.
I will release the open-source code on B4X Forum and github repositories:
Currently I not yet developed B4R libraries, I tried to port some my ESP C++ libraries but I had difficulties to adapt to B4R.
I plain to do it in future, time permitting. I do not use B4i but most of open-source code is easly adaptable to it.
Because I don't like put my name prefix in library names, most or my libraries are just
prefixed with( j) for B4J, (r) for B4R and without prefix for B4A, the standard way.
Other libraries I just prefix with (Class) but are full libraries eg. ClassSlider, ClassMixer etc...
In any case you never find MM to prefix libraries with my name. I think all peoples should do the same, IMHO is really
annoying search libraries in the library tab prefixed in alphabetical order not by library, but by author.... a very very bad idea...
B4A Libraries
[B4A] CustomMinimalSlider - Minimalistic slider that can do slider or progress bar (open-source with inline class)
B4J Libraries
[B4J-B4A] AsyncCanvas, B4XCanvas wrapper with Invalidate for B4J
[B4J] WebGL library
B4R Libraries
Code Snippets
[B4A] External Storage Extras
[B4A-B4J-B4R] Check if an IP Address is Private or Public
[B4J] Remove Aliasing on Canvas horizontal and vertical lines
[algorithm] First post. Map a value from one range to another range. The simple way.
[algorithm] Digital Low-Pass Filter
[algorithm] Bresenham Line Algorithm. Linear interpolation
[Code snippet] Transfer files from Android to ESP8266-ESP32 micro SD Card in plain TCP (no FTP)
CodeMirror Javascript Code editor wrapper on Android - a proof of concept
[B4R] B4Rh2xml UI Simple tool to create B4R xml file from B4R header file
Not all, but most of my B4A-B4J-B4R libraries are fully open-source and I will post one
or more demo projects with inline classes you can recompile directly to a library.
I will release the open-source code on B4X Forum and github repositories:
Currently I not yet developed B4R libraries, I tried to port some my ESP C++ libraries but I had difficulties to adapt to B4R.
I plain to do it in future, time permitting. I do not use B4i but most of open-source code is easly adaptable to it.
Because I don't like put my name prefix in library names, most or my libraries are just
prefixed with( j) for B4J, (r) for B4R and without prefix for B4A, the standard way.
Other libraries I just prefix with (Class) but are full libraries eg. ClassSlider, ClassMixer etc...
In any case you never find MM to prefix libraries with my name. I think all peoples should do the same, IMHO is really
annoying search libraries in the library tab prefixed in alphabetical order not by library, but by author.... a very very bad idea...
B4A Libraries
[B4A] CustomMinimalSlider - Minimalistic slider that can do slider or progress bar (open-source with inline class)
B4J Libraries
[B4J-B4A] AsyncCanvas, B4XCanvas wrapper with Invalidate for B4J
[B4J] WebGL library
B4R Libraries
Code Snippets
[B4A] External Storage Extras
[B4A-B4J-B4R] Check if an IP Address is Private or Public
[B4J] Remove Aliasing on Canvas horizontal and vertical lines
[algorithm] First post. Map a value from one range to another range. The simple way.
[algorithm] Digital Low-Pass Filter
[algorithm] Bresenham Line Algorithm. Linear interpolation
[Code snippet] Transfer files from Android to ESP8266-ESP32 micro SD Card in plain TCP (no FTP)
CodeMirror Javascript Code editor wrapper on Android - a proof of concept
[B4R] B4Rh2xml UI Simple tool to create B4R xml file from B4R header file
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