Android Question B4xTable - How can i select and highlight a table row programatically


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I am using b4xtable in an Android app. I wish to find a record in a SearchTemplate dialog, then set a b4xTable row after clicking out of the dialog and passing the selected item and its index to an already existing table. Now I can hear you asking, why don't you use the table search facility. I can't, because the search I am doing is global on my db, but the table is only displaying a subset of the underlying data and as such the searched for item can be outside of that subset. When I return from the search dialog I refresh the displayed table with the date subset that includes the search item. What I wan to do is move the table to the page that has the item, and then highlight that item.

In other words:
  1. Open a b4xtable with data that is a subset of the global data. The subsets (classifications) are arranges so that there are only a few records, perhaps 10 displayed in that table view.
  2. Push a button that opens a b4x search template dialog and let the user pick an item.
  3. On return from picking the item the program gets the relevant record from the DB its parent classification record
  4. The app then get the data for that classification which will include the target child record and displays it in the b4xTable.
  5. The app then moves to the page with the record and highlights the record as if the user had clicked on it.

I had a look at the b4xtable code with a view to modifying it, but it has been written by an expert and I cannot figure it out.

What this basically boils down to is their a way of selecting a b4xtable row programmatically as well as from the UI?

I can return from the Selection dialog and put the value in the search field, but then the user only sees that one entry and it may not be the record they actually want.

Best regards


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