Share My Creation Build your Arduino Rover (B4R) and enjoy with the Bluetooh controller (B4A)

Hi guys,
time ago i built a Rover (4 wheel, Arduino powered) for my B4A android app:

the full tutorial for the Rover is here:

The sketch was written for the Arduino IDE and now ported to B4R.
The B4R code and the original sketch are attached with some images while working on :)

Use the B4R serial connector to communicate with the Rover, check the B4R code for supported commands (mostly used to change the bluetooth module parameters)

The bluetooth module used is the (very basic and cheap) HC-06 but the code should work with the HC-05 too, maybe it needs only some little changes.

Side note:
the original sketch (ino) uses 543 bytes of ram (26%) and 8084 bytes of flash (25%)
the B4R code uses 764 bytes of ram (37%) and 16558 bytes of flash (51%)
Both codes works fine when uploaded to the Rover

Obviously the codes uses different approach and develop is faster on B4R and the porting was very easy :)

The B4R event-oriented code simplify things .


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Hi DavideV very nice project. It would be great to have a 3D printable model for the frame.


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Hi again DavideV, something like this would probably be perfect.
I'll give it a try and send you some pictures and feedback (I have everything required for building it).
I have another question. Do you really use 11.1V to drive the motors? I don't believe those small motors can support it.


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Hi again DavideV, something like this would probably be perfect.
I'll give it a try and send you some pictures and feedback (I have everything required for building it).
I have another question. Do you really use 11.1V to drive the motors? I don't believe those small motors can support it.

Hi Toley,
there were no labels with specs on the kit (chassis + motors) but from my tests it works perfect from 9 to 12V.


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Hi DavideV
Just as a follow up, I have build the 3D model. But my motor shield is not the same as yours, I will have to write my own code for it.


  • Rover.jpg
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Hi DavideV
Just as a follow up, I have build the 3D model. But my motor shield is not the same as yours, I will have to write my own code for it.
WOW Toley, cool !
Let me know if you need help.
I could take a look at your motor shield board, do you have a shematic (or where to download it)?