? Coming soon - Lazy Loading examples for new and existing B4X members

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello everyone,
I've noticed that there appears to be more questions regarding long lists of data and matching previously designed layouts. Even thought you can easily use xCustomListView in conjunction with Lazy Loading to accomplish the required results, some B4X developers can find it relatively difficult to link Erels two posts joining Lazy Loading to xCLV together. Yesterday I mentioned to Klaus in a post that I intended on remedying this situation in the next few days, basically joining Erels two code example posts together in some simple to follow examples applications.

Today I've been playing about with a few ideas and I've come up with three plus one working example applications. I'll be posting all four code examples to the B4A tutorial sections next week, this should hopefully help both new and existing B4X developers demystify the subject. I'm hoping that B4X developers will find my all-in-one xCLV with LL examples instead of browsing through this great forum for hours on end then adding 2+2 together and somehow getting 3.1415926535 o_O

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Looks good, will be very useful to users new and old, Thanks for sharing.

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
desperately waiting! ?

Wait no longer.
I've created a post under Android examples for new B4X developers to follow and hopefully learn from. Post #4 differs from the first three posts as the two examples uses RESTful API to search for and retrieve image data from https://pixabay.com/.
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