Database field selector tool using SQLite and MySQL with drag and drop feature


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Check out the second spoiler. It's another example of the possible integration of this application.

This small application might be a great help in creating reports and SQL statements.

In the first tab you can select a SQLite database file and get all the tables in that database.
In the second tab you can select a MySQL database from the local MySQL server (webserver). That server must be running of course.
You can select a table and get the field names.
You can include the table name when you select a field name and you can enclose the field name with a pair of brackets ( { }, [ ] or none).
All the green text areas act as a drag source. You can drop the contents of the text area in any application that accepts a drop action (Word, Excel, Notepad++, ...).
Clicking 3 times in a text area selects the complete contents and then you can copy and paste that content into any text.
Some technical details:
Project attributes:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 350
    #MainFormHeight: 650
    #AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2
    #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.27-bin.jar
#End Region

Credits: @Erel , @stevel05 , examples from members.

This might be the start of the development of a report generator application...


You can find the source code of the DBField_selector application in the attachment.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
This small application might be a great help in creating reports and SQL statements.
View attachment 155927 View attachment 155928
In the first tab you can select a SQLite database file and get all the tables in that database.
In the second tab you can select a MySQL database from the local MySQL server (webserver). That server must be running of course.
You can select a table and get the field names.
You can include the table name when you select a field name and you can enclose the field name with a pair of brackets ( { }, [ ] or none).
All the green text areas act as a drag source. You can drop the contents of the text area in any application that accepts a drop action (Word, Excel, Notepad++, ...).
Clicking 3 times in a text area selects the complete contents and then you can copy and paste that content into any text.
Some technical details:
Project attributes:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 350
    #MainFormHeight: 650
    #AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2
    #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.27-bin.jar
#End Region
View attachment 155929
Credits: @Erel , @stevel05 , examples from members.

This might be the start of the development of a report generator application...
You can find the source code of the DBField_selector application in the attachment.
Nice, thanks.