B4A Library extDBUtils

Warm welcome to the audiance I hope you are well.

Since Erel published DBUtils development of database driven app has become much easier. Very good job done! But who says that good work could not be polished up to get better? Every time I am using DBUtils I have to develop addional functionality for example to deal with datetime, images, crypto or to retrieve special information like a table row Id. This forces me to take the DBUtils lib Version 2.11 and decompressed it to get the real code to enhance it's functionality.

I did not touch any basic functions of the DBUtils 2.11 Code from Erel! Use this functions in the same way as before.

My Code includes the code from Erels DBUtils and adds seperate additional subs/functions.
If DBUtils 2.11 is updated I will update extDBUtils as well.

Name: extDBUtils.b4xlib
Version: 1.5, 06/2021
Licence: same as Erels DBUtils

extDBUtils extended Functions overview:
  • Provide needed Maps and List (SQLValues, SQLWhere, SQLValuesList) for basic functions
  • Convert Date or Time Strings to Ticks and vice versa to store/retrive Date or Time in a BigInt Datacolumn.
  • Convert Bitmap/Image type JPG or PNG and vice versa to store/ retrive Imagedata in a Blob Datacolumn.
  • Encrypt/Decrypt Information to store/retrive AES Encryption to Blob Datacolumn.
  • Retrive rowid from a named table row.
  • Retrive max/min/avg/sum value from a given Datacolumn.
  • Retrive information to check if named value is unique in the named Datacolumns to avoid unique violations.
  • Clean Database to release occupied space from deleted record and repair instable file structure.
  • Open Methode A: Copy Database file to accessable Folder and open it.
  • Open Methode B: Delete copied Database and Copy changed Database file to accessable Folder and open it (For testing situations if database structure has changed).
  • Close Database

The new lib is testet by using B4A but might also work under B4X (not tested).
To learn or examin code of extended functionality please use the example B4A Project it includes the lib as code module.

Code Examples extend Functions:
' ###### TEST extended features #####
    ' a) opens the database and initialize maps and list
    ' this will initialize global extDBUtils.sqlDB. use this global
    ' to set the SQL Parameter in the basic DBUtils functions like
    ' extDBUtils.InsertMaps(SQL.... -> extDBUtils.InsertMaps(extDBUtils.sqlDB,....
    ' use globals:
    ' extDBUtils.SQLValues MAP to transfer Values
    ' extDBUtils.SQLWhere MAP to transfer WHERE clause values
    ' extDBUtils.SQLValuesList List to transfer list of SQLValues Maps
    ' equal to the basic DBUtils functions
    Log( "DB open: " & extDBUtils.openDB("TEST.db",False,False))
    ' b) clean DB
    Log("Size new/old: " & extDBUtils.cleanDB("TEST.db"))
    ' c) Date abd Time Functions
    ' d) Encrption/Decryption
    Dim resBlob() As Byte = extDBUtils.EncryptText("Welcome Friend","Good luck")
    Dim resBlob() As Byte = extDBUtils.EncryptText("Welcome Friend","Good luck")
    Log(extDBUtils.DecryptText(resBlob,"Good luck"))
    ' e) image
    ' examin variables for value
    Dim imgIN, imgOut As Bitmap
    Dim imgBlob() As Byte
    imgBlob = extDBUtils.Image2Blob(imgIN,True)
    Log("Blob Buffer: " & imgBlob.Length)
    imgOut = extDBUtils.Blob2Image(imgBlob)
    Log("Image: " & imgOut.Height & " x " & imgOut.Width)
    ' f) isUnique
    Log("unique value:" & extDBUtils.isUnique("TestTable"))
    ' g) get row ID
    Log("rowID = " & extDBUtils.getRowID("TestTable"))
    ' h1) calc column values over all
    ' x) close db


  • Logwindow.png
    28.7 KB · Views: 376
  • extDBUtils.zip
    278.3 KB · Views: 468
  • extDBUtils.b4xlib
    6.7 KB · Views: 424


Licensed User
Longtime User
Just an opinion: DBUtils (your extDBUtils too) should contain strictly related DB useful features; some that you have added and listed should stay out of it, like Convert Bitmap/Image
As @LucaMs advises, can we not have " extDBUtils " as a separate lib which needs original " DBUtils " too to use.
I have little idea of libs, but his way you do not have to modify it for new " DBUtils " version and we can get both libs features in project.

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you for the replies.

My reason not to have an seperate lib is to minimize the libs used in a project for better handling.
The functions not so striktly on databasemanagement will be used in case of storing special data like images or date and time values in a database because you know that in case of images there is no Datacolumn type image and the handling of date and time in SQLite Datetiume functions produces sometimes unwanted results. By my experiance the best way is to store the values in ticks.

So please understand that extDBUtils is aimed to have a toolset of needfull functions for datadriven SQLite app.

The future plan is to enhance extDBUtilities with a DataNavBar like the one in VisualStudio and other needfull things.
If you may have Ideas your'e welcome to post them.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
' g) get row ID extDBUtils.SQLWHERE.Clear extDBUtils.sqlwhere.put("TextColumn","ABCDEF") Log("rowID = " & extDBUtils.getRowID("TestTable")) Log("-------")
Awesome, however the readability for me personally is a little hard. At first glance I have a little bit of a clue of what this is doing but then again I don't.

So, assuming...

SELECT rowID FROM TestTable where TextColumn = ABCDEF

Is that what that code does? Does it mean that instead of starting with SELECT we need to start with the WHERE clause when building the code? Like first think of your where, then write that code and then write the SELECT?? So its RTL thinking?

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
The syntax followes the way as it is done also for the basic/standard DBUtils where all WHERE Information is taken from a description placed in a Map (sqlWhere) where the key is the columnname and the value is value to search for. Example of Standard DBUtils DBUtils.update(SQL,Tablename,SQLWhere -MAP-).

Each table row has a unique rowid therefore there can be no other operand used as equal (=) because the WHERE Clause must point to the one unique specific row of which we like to get the correspondend unique rowid. That is why we use not SQL.ExecuteQuery but we use SQL.ExecuteQuerySingleSelect to get the row Id.

By the way in SQLite if the table has an integer autoincrement primary key column for example 'RowNo' than 'rowid' is automatic an alias Columnname that means selecting column rowid returns the same value as selecting column RowNo. If we do'nt have such a integer primary key column and we do not have explicit declared the table as 'without rowid' than a column 'rowid' is automatically build from SQLIte until the first datainsert is done.