Wish Give more support material design


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Dear, lately I've been learning to program in android studio, is very tedious and do something takes a lot of time.

B4A is a great development tool android, but I ge realized that is lagging behind with the integration of components of material design, so I want to ask Erel in a new version if it is possible to use these options offered android studio in order to achieve a product at the same level as android studio.

Also to improve the rotation of the screen to keep the information and that is not being recharged, statemanger exists today, but it would be good that this be controlled automatically without having to be using modules.

Another point is the scrollview when applying actualmete can become a headache, to improve it be more useful when loading data at runtime.

Leave some images of matetrial design.

ejemplo-floating-action-button-snackbar.png navigation-drawer-con-material-design.png toolbar-en-android-coordinatorlayout.png


  • ejemplo-floating-action-button-snackbar.png
    11.9 KB · Views: 798
  • ejemplo-floating-action-button-snackbar.png
    11.9 KB · Views: 276
  • navigation-drawer-con-material-design.png
    13.7 KB · Views: 264


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Floating Action Button: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...enu-fam-and-floating-action-button-fab.65064/
Material Drawer: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/material-drawer-v0-5-beta.67557/#content (beta)

You can use CustomListView to implement the "cards" layout.

Full list of material related libraries: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/pages/results/?query=material&page=1&prefix=1

Overall B4A v6.00 made it simpler to integrate new third party libraries, especially libraries that include resource files.
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Erel I agree, but nowwadays you cannot write professional b4a software anymore without using lots of libs. Might be an idea to move some of them to the core, especially the material design stuff?


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You don't have to do anything special to use the material theme. No library is needed.

AppCompat is the most important library if you want to use material specific features. As I wrote v6.00 made it very simple to use this library. There is no reason to move it to the core library. There will not be any benefits and it will mean that all B4A applications will always include those classes even if they don't need it.


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Erel I agree, but nowwadays you cannot write professional b4a software anymore without using lots of libs. Might be an idea to move some of them to the core, especially the material design stuff?

Even with Android Studio you are using lots of libs for many of the material design features. Putting support for this into the core library is not a good idea because if Google releases a new version of the support libraries with new features it will always require a new B4A version to support the new stuff. Now the AppCompat and DesignSupport and all the other libraries can be updated individually.

The only disadvantage currently is that you are dependent on thrid party library developers for most of the material design features and some features are still not available in B4A libraries. The biggest problem here is time. I would like to add nice features like the Coordinator Layout to B4A. The problem is that this will be very time consuming to add it to a B4A library and I can't earn my money from creating B4A libraries.