How make money with b4x?


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You could just create some solutions to the problems companies are facing, but there is the problem of B4X. Many companies have there preferred language and strict conditions for the needed solution, so you you would need to know wide range of most popular languages.

Your best bet is to create apps for the small companies that doesn't care what language you use or doesn't even understand. Create few solutions ready for some day to day problem and go to sell those apps to small companies.
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the above statement about the language makes sense when working directly for the end customer/user.

when applying for such task where another company is in between here in Belgium they only want .NET solutions for desktop applications.
they want this for 'continuation' reasons I guess.


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the above statement about the language makes sense when working directly for the end customer/user.

when applying for such task where another company is in between here in Belgium they only want .NET solutions for desktop applications.
they want this for 'continuation' reasons I guess.

Desktop, Server, Android development you have Java and Kotlin (Check especially Kotlin. Not very different from B4X)

Server (BackEnd) is mostly done with JavaScript (NodeJs), Python, Java (Not most popular as it's clearly harder to learn than Python or JavaScript)

FrontEnd is mostly JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Startups and younger companies prefer React. Huge enterprises mostly use Angular, so JavaScript is must if FrontEnd is something you are interested.

If you concentrate your efforts towards smaller companies where money really is, you could such sell apps created basically with any language.
B4X is easy to use to create small not so complex apps for multiple problems that companies may face.

For now I'm sad to see that B4X is becoming more and more money making machine for the few and not in good way. Money is made by exploiting those who can't wrap there own libraries or might need to help develop new libraries for there apps.

Only path I see that will make B4X popular one day is to open source whole code base and share it in GitHub. B4X business model should be sliced into two parts one serving Enterprises and other for Community. Anywhere Software as an company would gather its profits from serving Enterprises and get boost for the B4X from community that would be free to develop language to the next level.


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For now I'm sad to see that B4X is becoming more and more money making machine for the few and not in good way. Money is made by exploiting those who can't wrap there own libraries or might need to help develop new libraries for there apps.
I completely disagree with this statement. There are many members (more than ever) who put a lot of efforts in building all kinds of useful libraries and tools. Almost all of these resources are provided free of charge.
Expecting someone to wrap a specific library for you for free is not realistic and is an unfair expectation towards the contributing members.


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Obviously I am don't mean android apps (Play store) or iOS apps (apple store).

If you have a good idea please share it with me:):):):):).
It's simple, there are two ways to make money with B4a (and b4i)
  1. Create a crack to start B4a without buying a license and sell the crack for $ 100 per copy
  2. Sell the used B4a license to more people at a bargain price.
I was joking @Erel :p

I agree with the others
Specific library that solves problems (or wrapping)
Private customer who wants a customized solution
You will hardly find a company looking for developers for B4a


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You will hardly find a company looking for developers for B4a

depending on the needs it's not always better to stick to .NET or some other language.

it's been proven several times that some (small) things can be made a lot faster with B4X.

and isn't time money?

so they either could make more profit by selling at the same price as less time is needed or sell it cheaper to be more competitive with others.


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more and more money making machine for the few and not in good way. Money is made by exploiting those who can't wrap there own libraries or might need to help develop new libraries for there apps
I don't agree with your statement...
If I need a piece of code that I don't have either the knowledge nor the time, and if someone is capable of doing it for us, then why not?
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Almost certainly I am wrong but... although it should be a complex job and take time, I think it is not impossible to create a tool that can create partial wrappers of android-java sources; I mean that this tool should set up the minimum necessary bases.


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I completely disagree with this statement. There are many members (more than ever) who put a lot of efforts in building all kinds of useful libraries and tools. Almost all of these resources are provided free of charge.
Expecting someone to wrap a specific library for you for free is not realistic and is an unfair expectation towards the contributing members.
I know you disagree, but tell me how any library shared in this forum is free? Libs are free for personal use, but nothing else.
Aren't all libs licensed under creative commons CC BY 3.0 license?

Also I know that my messages usually gathers some harsh answers as this is mostly hobbyist forum, but in my opinion and experience what I said is still valid.


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I know you disagree, but tell me how any library shared in this forum is free? Libs are free for personal use, but nothing else.
Aren't all libs licensed under creative commons CC BY 3.0 license?

Also I know that my messages usually gathers some harsh answers as this is mostly hobbyist forum, but in my opinion and experience what I said is still valid.
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 doesn't limit commercial usage:


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Also, except for very specific libs, for each paid lib you can find at least one free to do the same thing.


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And this is going OFF-TOPIC!!!!


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depending on the needs it's not always better to stick to .NET or some other language.

it's been proven several times that some (small) things can be made a lot faster with B4X.

and isn't time money?

so they either could make more profit by selling at the same price as less time is needed or sell it cheaper to be more competitive with others.
I agree that it is better otherwise I would not use b4a, but I meant that you do not find the company that is willing to use a different instrument than the more famous ones


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Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 doesn't limit commercial usage:
This is what site you linked says
Unlike software-specific licenses, CC licenses do not contain specific terms about the distribution of source code, which is often important to ensuring the free reuse and modifiability of software.
If everything shared here is meant to be free why not to use MIT license?
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B4X founder
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This is what site you linked says
Unlike software-specific licenses, CC licenses do not contain specific terms about the distribution of source code, which is often important to ensuring the free reuse and modifiability of software.
If everything shared here is meant to be free why not to use MIT license?
There is no relation between this statement and the statement you made in the previous post. To avoid confusion to other members, there is no problem to use the libraries in commercial projects.


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For now I'm sad to see that B4X is becoming more and more money making machine for the few and not in good way. Money is made by exploiting those who can't wrap there own libraries or might need to help develop new libraries for there apps.
I also disagree with this statement, although I believe that sharing knowledge is very important.

Sharing knowledge and sharing developed libraries are two different concepts. Sharing knowledge for me means helping others get the knowledge they need to develop libraries on their own, then working as hard as others have done, and can achieve the same results.

Getting a library, that required a lot of work, for free it's a different thing and definitely is not sharing knowledge.

Free library sharing is a personal decision should not be imposed by others. If you were to share only free libraries we would get forums with very few libraries, some library would not even develop them and we wouldn't even know they exist. Still others would keep them only for them and their customers.

In this forum the majority of us are computer enthusiasts and if we could all probably distribute our sources for free.
But it is also true that some of us have also turned their passion into their profession, even if it is not perhaps the main activity, for many it is an entry that allows them to pay this passion and maybe even pay some bills.

Some of the libraries that we find on this forum a request hours days and months of work and probably we will use them in our applications that we sell or that we use every day for us.
It would be really unfair for someone else to take advantage of it without recognizing their work ... because it is not about transmitting knowledge but to take use of work done by others
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Looks like we are again slipping from the actual point.

Erel has made B4X. He has made it commercial product. There is no fault in it.
He is working hard in making designer, programming syntax, libraries etc. to develop for Andoid, iOS, Java (Windows) etc. environments.

Similarly Vb.Net, Java, XBase etc. programming languages are available, some free some paid, which many targeting one or two environment.

We are free to choose whatever programming language we prefer. It is always the project development requirement which guides which we choose. I am developing in commercial programming language for my company, but for personal small development I choose free alternatives, Harbour MiniGUI over XBase++.

But I choose B4A and paid for it personally, instead of choosing free alternatives of Android Studio etc. Why ?
It is very much easier to develop a native Android app in B4A than in any other programming language. As a programmer I need to develop faster and in easy manner to achieve profit.

We constantly make a point in forum about making B4X free or how other programming laguage is far better than B4X.
Please try to think the same putting yourself in Erel's place. Do you want Erel to work hard and give all for free ?

He is not stopping you if you prefer to use other better languages, may be free.

So let us talk how we all can make B4X better. Many members are contributing for free and these contributions does help other members.

Hope I have made my feeling clear and also hope other will feel about Erel's passionate hard work on B4X.



Eme Fibonacci

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Please, let's get back to the main point.
How Make money using b4x technology.
- Making money is a reality.
- A necessity.
I believe many want to have fun using b4x and maybe supplement their salary. Then the point is "make money".
There is nothing wrong with make money with our work
Monetary gain is a result of a job well done.


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Please, let's get back to the main point.
How Make money using b4x technology.

IMHO the question is a bit misleading. It should be "How Make Money in Android/iOS ?"
B4X is a tool which helps in rapid development for Android, iOS and also Windows (B4J) environment.

Developing app is one thing. Making money from it is another. Look around, there are numerous 'match 3' games in store, but not all are making money for the developer.

B4X will help you make the app (match 3) very quickly, but it can not help you make money. It is totally on your imagination and hard work.



Douglas Farias

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1 - The best way to make money is with simple apps (B4A), with good titles , icons and images etc... just look at the Tendencies, most searched apps on google play.
- i m already made R$2.828.054,00 with simple apps, good titles.

2 - Make example codes, layouts and sell this to another devs.

3 - Make libs for B4A,b4i etc.... i m already buyed 15+ libs on this forum :)

4 - Create courses and video lessons and sell this on your country, with your language support.

5 - Sell B4X Products, affiliate (you can use the 4 here too, sell courses and the product too).
I already sold R$37,054.28
to @Erel with B4X products on Brasil :)

One thing I learned is that ...
it is not always worth making a complex app, miss several days of development.
Sometimes a simple app makes a lot more money and much faster.

thats it

Edited: 31/07/2019
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