Android Question How stop keyboard showing when clicking clickable csbuilder text?

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Have a EditText called edtSQL with clickable csbuilder text with the eventname "Table":

cs.Underline.Bold.Color(SQLColours(10)).Clickable("Table", _

Sub Table_Click(Tag As Object)
 Dim strTable As String
 strTable = CStr(Tag)
  Dim rs As ResumableSub = Dialog.Show(Activity, Array As Object("Count rows", "Show fields", "Cancel"), _
          "Info for the table " & strTable, "", "", _
          -1, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Null, False, arrS)
 Wait For (rs) Complete (strResult As String)
  Select Case strResult
  Case "Count rows"
   CountTableRows(strTable, True)
  Case "Show fields"
   ShowFields(strTable, True)
  Case "Cancel"
 End Select
End Sub

The edtSQL_Click event will be fired before Table_Click, triggering the keyboard popping up.
I can hide the keyboard, but my Table_Click event will show a dialog so this will be pushed up then go down again. How can I avoid this?


RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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You can change the adjust mode to adjustResize. This will prevent the activity from being pushed. See the IME tutorial.

That is what have. In the manifest:

SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:windowSoftInputMode, adjustResize)

This is my IME_HeightChanged event:

Sub IME_HeightChanged(NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
 Dim bEdtSQLHeightChanged As Boolean
 Dim iKeyBoardHeight As Int
 Dim iOldEdtSQLHeight As Int
 Dim iNewEdtSQLHeight As Int
 bKeyboardVisible = NewHeight < OldHeight

 If Dialog.IsVisible Then
  Dialog.Resize(100%x, NewHeight)
 End If
 If General.iCurrentPanelType = 6 Then
  If bKeyboardVisible Then
   'only decrease height of edtSQL if keyboard was encroaching on it
   If edtSQL.Top + edtSQL.Height > NewHeight Then
    iOldEdtSQLHeight = edtSQL.Height
    iKeyBoardHeight = OldHeight - NewHeight
    edtSQL.Height = (pnlSQLEditor.Height - iKeyBoardHeight) -
    bEdtSQLHeightChanged = True
    iNewEdtSQLHeight = edtSQL.Height
    iSQLEditDecreased = iOldEdtSQLHeight - iNewEdtSQLHeight
   End If
   'no need to increase height of edtSQL if it is large enough
   If iSQLEditTextHeight + edtSQL.Padding(1) + edtSQL.Padding(3) + 10dip > edtSQL.Height Then
    edtSQL.Height = edtSQL.Height + iSQLEditDecreased
    bEdtSQLHeightChanged = True
     End If
  End If
  If bEdtSQLHeightChanged = False Then
  End If
  If lblSQLResult.Visible = True Then
   lblSQLResult.Top = edtSQL.Top + edtSQL.Height
   End If
  If tblSQLResult.Size > 0 Then
   tblSQLResult.Top = lblSQLResult.Top + lblSQLResult.Height
  End If
 End If
End Sub

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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User

I think I have fixed this now by altering this in the above code:

 If Dialog.IsVisible Then
  Dialog.Resize(100%x, NewHeight)
End If

To this:

If General.iCurrentPanelType <> 6 Then
  If Dialog.IsVisible Then
   Dialog.Resize(100%x, NewHeight)
  End If
End If

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