iOS Question How to run simulator with B4i Version 2.00


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Still impossible to run the simulator.
Everything is correctly installed I think.
Build server OK
Terminal OK gives IP address:
The IP address "Tools/Build server/server settings" is correct (
It seems it cannot reach the Mac (Ping failed also)
All authorizations are given on the mac and everything is shared.

Here the error message when compiling
B4i version: 2.00
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.06s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.02s)
Compiling debugger engine code. (1.27s)
Building Xcode project (0.20s)
Sending data to remote compiler. Error
Communication error: SendFailure

An Idea??
Thank you


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ip address:51041/test

Can you see this page ? if not check you are connected the mac to same wifi with the computer that has the b4i ( of course ) and try to disable the firewall on the mac. Maybe it helps
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I had same problem.
I restart system and regenerate ip for mac-server and open ios simulator and connect to it in b4i and working
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From PC I ping the Mac at it is OK
Mac Firewall is disable.
On Mac with Chrome I have at
"No build is currently available. Refresh the page if you have compile
Click Here to refresh"
Refresh does nothing
Maybe something to do in Xcode? Must it be opened?
Maybe use Safari and not Chrome?
On the PC, IDE Tools/Build Server/Server settings -> Server IP = et 51041 ( I try with 32 and 64 bit, it is the same thing).

In fact, it seems that when I ping with cmd.exe, it is OK
But when it pings from IDE it fails. See the attached files.

Thank you for your help.


  • ping.png
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  • failed.png
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From PC I ping the Mac at it is OK
Mac Firewall is disable.
On Mac with Chrome I have at
"No build is currently available. Refresh the page if you have compile
Click Here to refresh"
Refresh does nothing
Maybe something to do in Xcode? Must it be opened?
Maybe use Safari and not Chrome?
On the PC, IDE Tools/Build Server/Server settings -> Server IP = et 51041 ( I try with 32 and 64 bit, it is the same thing).

In fact, it seems that when I ping with cmd.exe, it is OK
But when it pings from IDE it fails. See the attached files.

Thank you for your help.
Port must be 51042 i think in the : IDE Tools/Build Server/Server settings ->
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No, and on the Mac "No data received" on the browser at

on my ide i use 51042 with https.
you must use 51041 with http while browsing the test page for example. You cant use 51042 on browser with http as i know.
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I use http and 51041. (https and 51042 does not work: "-> "Your coonexion is not private"
Always the same problem and same error message. I do not see what I could do. I'm desperate.
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Do not try https, if your mac IP address is
You can try on your PC, or any device (of same IP range) :
This is the test Web page of your B4i build Server, you should have :
B4i Build Server
Build server is running.
Version: 2.01
Server time: 20:37:19
Mac SSL Key
Invalid key!!!
SSL port: 51042

I don' know, why SSL is invalid, I think Erel does, anyway, you should have that
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Yes I obtain On the Mac and on the PC

B4i Build Server
Build server is running.
Version: 1.05
Server time: 20:37:19
Mac SSL Key
Invalid key!!!
SSL port: 51042

It seems I have not the good version of B41 Buid Server because I see 1.05 and not 2.01
Do you think that it is the prlblèm.
How to install version 2.01 ?
I have also "Invalid Key"
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Yes, it appears your mac is running the previous version of B4i.
See on your mac on what folder do your run B4iBuildServer.jar, maybe it's on the previous, in that case download new version.
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I have downloaded "" with the link given by Erel in the mail annoucing B4i v2.0 has been released!
Probably it is version 1.05 and I don't where can I download version 2.01.
Tell me Erel if you are listening.
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Check your emails, for sure, you received an email with the good link, then download directly from your mac, and just unzip.
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I come to you after a few days rest. Still the same error message when I want to use the simulator (attached file). I summarized what I did:
On the PC:
- B41 V2.00 installed.
On the Mac:
- Java JDK (7 -8) installed
- XCode 6 installed
- B4i Builder (version 2.01) installed
- Terminal opened with java -jar B4iBuildServer.jar it runs: IP adress -> 192.168.016:51041
- gives:
B4i Build Server
Build server is running.
Version: 2.01
Server time: 20:37:19
Mac SSL Key
Invalid key!!!
SSL port: 51042
I can see that on the Mac Browser and also on the PC browser.

On the PC with B4i IDE
- Tools/Device IP Adress = Simulator F2
- Tools/Build Server/server Settinggs = (32 bit)

I run compiling and Error Message, see attached file.
What am I doing wrong, what I forget.

XCode it must be opened and if so how?

Thank you.


  • error.png
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