B4J Question How to set focus on web page - input field


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Hi to all,

Guys, need help… I try to build web application for some data input (from production stuff). It's possible to SET FOCUS to some input field and make field »active«? I want to use barcode scanner to capture some data and user will be able only to scan. I cannot figure out how to input data – not always to click with mouse in some input field…

It's possible to solve this?!

Tnx, Darko


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uf,... I'm not sure, I can understand this solution...
It's posible to do in source?
Like function "Inputfield.SetFocus" or ?

Sory, i'm still learning... ;) :)

Tnx, Darko
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it depends on how you are using it in B4J.

1. Pure html, add some javascript in the html file document ready event:
$(document).ready(function() {

2. If you are running a B4J jServer with WebSockets
ws.eval("$('#Username').focus();", null)

3. ABMaterial
Dim UserName as ABMInput = Page.Component("Username")

4. BANano
Dim UserName as BANanoElement
UserName.RunMethod("focus", null)

And there are probably other ways too. We'll need some more info on what you've got to give a final answer.
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thank you for explanation... I'm using ABMaterial and I know that SetFocus function exists... But it's not working like I expected... When is focus send to input field, user need still to CLICK in field to start input data... Maybe should I ask in different way... What will be best solution for using barcode scanner on web application? Which control should I use, to activate automatically inserting the data with barcode scanner (imagine - I have 30 users in manufacturing company, which will use barcode scanner to START/STOP his working process - just scan barcode from workorder when users start to working and click to another barcode, when user want to stop his job)... In classical desktop application would be very “simple” – while focus in input field has always possibility for input (just typing – without mouse click before)…

Maybe any suggestion?

btw - i'm in love with B4J, Banano, AbMaterial - simple and clear to understand... ;)

Thanx, Darko
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uf... Sory.. You have right... SetFocus working like expected.. It's only important, that focus is SET after page is finished (loaded)...

like this...

Dim btn3 As ABMButton
btn3.InitializeRaised(page, "Poslji", "mdi-image-palette", ABM.ICONALIGN_RIGHT, "Pošlji", "")

page.Refresh ' IMPORTANT

' NEW, because we use ShowLoaderType=ABM.LOADER_TYPE_MANUAL
page.FinishedLoading 'IMPORTANT


Many thanx and have a nice day...
Regard, Darko
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