iOS Question Layout changes not being compiled into the App


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I am experiencing a strange problem on one of my Apps, no matter what I change of the screen layouts in the designer they are not changing on the compiled App

I have tried release and debug

I have tried rebooting the iPad.

I have tried cleaning the project.

I am using simple designer layouts with AutoScaleAll and Handle Resize Event ticked. Nothing in the code to resize any of the Views that have changed in the designer but not once compiled

Any ideas?

Peter Simpson

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@cooperlegend can you post a screenshot of the the designer payout (with any scripts ran) and also the iPad screenshot?
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Peter Simpson

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You're missing the designer screenshot, are you running any designer scripts?

But as Erel said its probably an extremely small error on your side that you've missed...
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The two images I uploaded are one with the designer via b4i-bridge the other is the app running. I added the small label "here" and that changed on both, but as you can see the sizes are different from design to App, I am not using any scripts
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This "issue" just gets weirder and weirder... It is not as if I am new to all this, I have been using B4X for many years now and never had an issue like this..

If I add and new label (like the "new" one in the previous post) it show up in the correct place. But if I move a label or re-size one it changes fine in the designer and preview via b4i-bridge on the iPad, but when I compile and run the App it shows up in the old location, every screen in this project does the same
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It has got to be some sort of cache issue.

I just copy the email screen to a new name iEmailNew.bil , compiled the program and no change


Then I deleted the iEmailNew.bil file but kept the same code in the project (loading iEmailNew.bil) and it ran file showing the new correct screen . How ?
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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Quick Question: Do you have layout variants?
The only time I have seen this happen is when I tried to use variants.
I don't use them anymore :)
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