Wish No many components.


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No many components, Datetimepicker, Datagridview, listbox, timeedit etc ...
A very big shortcoming.
Does he have time?


Licensed User
I'm already doing it that way and it's compelling.

What is the meaning of B4A after searching, finding, adding and wasting time on every vehicle?

Drag and drop the easiest. I do not make a single project. I am running 3 projects at the moment.

Alexander Stolte

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What is the meaning of B4A after searching, finding, adding and wasting time on every vehicle?
Because the most components are not wirtten by Erel, for example i made 10 B4X Views, If all of them were in the Designer by default then I would have to submit each update to Erel first and he would need to provide an update for B4A with the updated files...

And no one would know what the component looks like, or what you can do if it's only in the designer.


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not to mention what hell it would be to solve issues with your B4X views if Erel has to distribute them through official updates.

Edit: Sorry Alexander you mentioned that already

Peter Simpson

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@By-Cod3rs there are literally hundreds (actually thousands) of extra libraries, views, classes that you can download and use with ease for B4A, for example Manfred by himself has released well in excess of 150 libraries.

Erel adds what's important to the B4X site of RAD tools and does not believe in just adding everything for the sake of it, and most of us also believes in the philosophy, kind off

Anyway you will find what you are looking for on this great forum, just search for it and by the way welcome to our community.

One more thing, never ever ever compare none bloated products like the B4X suite of RAD tools with any Microsoft product, it's not feasible and makes you seem not too clever. You do realise that over the years tens of thousands of paid M$ developers have worked on M$ VS products, going back to the 90's. That's a ridiculous comparison to make.

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several of those exist in the form of a class or custom/b4x view. you can create the missing things yourself aswell.


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I don't know what you mean with continuous drop but for the other things you just use search terms. for example tabstrip that exists for sure.

Peter Simpson

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@sorex So, can you share a resource on how I can create it and make a continuous drop?

Yes more or less. The more libraries, classes you download or create the longer the list (drop as you say) can be, but you will also have to select the corresponding library on the library tab or load the relevant class. Either way you still need to select or load what is needed. Doing it this way means that you only see what you really need to see and not have to wade through hundreds of views just to find one single view.

Search the forum for libraries and you WILL most probably find what you are looking for.

An extremely small example of just a few customviews, the more you loads the more you can select from.

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Some people just don't appreciate being given a fishing rod, they want the fishes ready to cook... And then getting home and say they caught them..


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What is the meaning of B4A after searching, finding, adding and wasting time on every vehicle?
When you download a library that supports custom views and you add it to your additional libraries folder, these views are available for all projects. The cool thing is (and @Peter Simpson already pointed that out) is that just because you have a library installed in you additional libraries folder does not mean it automatically pollutes your menu for ALL projects, past and present.
@sorex So, can you share a resource on how I can create it and make a continuous drop?
You can selectively add libraries as required to your project(s) and, if the library/libraries have custom views, the additional components will show up under CustomView.


Licensed User
That's what I'm looking for.
How do I do that? is a keyword?
Can you share resources?



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Longtime User
That's what I'm looking for.
How do I do that? is a keyword?
Can you share resources?
Those CustomViews (shown in @Peter Simpson's example) are part of the AppCompat library. You can find the library and the detailed installation instructions here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...compatible-with-older-android-versions.48423/. Once the library is properly installed, you can add it to your project by checking it in the Library Manager of the IDE. Once the library is checked, the views should show up under CustomView. Note: Unless the library is check in the Library Manager, these views will not be available. This makes it possible for each application you develop to only show the views that you need for that application instead of having those views available all the time, even if they are not required.


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Let me put my thoughts here.

For an experts Linux is easy. For a beginners Windows is easy.
In both we can achieve what we want, but Windows shows all needed ones in GUI. Now for an expert it is bloated but for beginners it is what it should be.

I am saying this from my experience. New users feel at home if they can see and 'select' what they want. Experts can just 'search' and get it.

To keep both side happy and not make B4X bloated, my suggestion is,
  1. Add an option in IDE, 'Add library'
  2. Do what the experts will do in DOS/CMD window
  3. i.e. select library files,
  4. copy to folder
  5. enable it in tab etc.
Please note, this is a wish thread and fulfilling is not guaranteed, but may happen, if feasible.




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As a not so long B4A user I can confirm the first impression of the OP.
Yes, the flexibility is large and for mostly any kind of question a solution (or extra class / views) is posted. Kudos in that case for the build up of the forum search, it helps a lot.

On the other hand developing a project takes a lot of time including/implementing different classes or views, change the code and after some hours just find out that a method needed is not part of the class/view.
Developing own solutions is also doable but also takes a lot deeper knowledge of the language and features. Mostly I ended up copy/pasting something sometimes without really understanding the code to the full extend.

Then we have classes, that recieved and update to be better and then ending up being replaced from a different class, with another set of methods. Implement, change, rinse and repeat.

B4X heavily success is also a success of the supporting users/staff, without doubt some of the best I experienced in years !
On the other hand still the word RAD is used and that together with VB6 (while it is noted that you don't need to know VB6). But the first thing that pops up is "VB6 because it just works". Every "view" (From the Toolbox) had the same method philosophy and the same features. If you knew how to handle one "view" you knew them all. this is not the case with all the different solutions available in B4X.
This is, when we take the age of B4X into account (I already worked with B4PPC) still suprising that not a standard set is avail for all modern "views" needed to make an IOS or android look-a-like app.

Again, the flexibility (and support) is stunning but to find the correct view for the purpose can be time consuming and maybe turns some people off. All that under the view of a RAD IDE.

Just my 5c as a newcomer


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Again, the flexibility (and support) is stunning but to find the correct view for the purpose can be time consuming and maybe turns some people off. All that under the view of a RAD IDE.

Can I make a rather "stupid" analogy?
The above quote is like someone saying " I read nuclear fusion for dummies 4 times already and I still can't make cold fission work!"

EREL provides the toolbox, along with all basictools, and even some advanced ones… The "task" specific Tools, or more Advanced Tools are provided, mostly for free, by forum members...
I didn't choose the word "toolbox" by chance… When you go to your hardware store and buy a "pre-filled" toolbox, you get a set of the most common screwdrivers, a Hammer, one or two pliers, a ruler, etc... but if you need a special torx scre-driver, You need to buy a seperate set… if the provided hammed is not heavy enough… you need to buy another oner, and so on...

Developing software is not easy, and it IS NOT like building LEGO. Even experienced professionals, like @alwaysbusy, come to the forum in search of advice.
Is ABM Framework took months to create, most at the expense of his social/family ...

So, YES, B4X is a RAD, in wich you can create the simplest projects in minutes/hours, or take months creating wat would take YERAS using other RAD IDEs...


Licensed User

I mostly agree with what you laid out. Also as I mentioned, the support of EREL and other users is outstanding !

Yes,you are correct in saying that programming is not like building lego.
On the other hand not everyone wants to build Hogwarts, some are satisfied with Hagrids shack.

Finding good (and easy to handle) IDE's is not an easy task nowadays and b4X is really shining.
Still a larger included toolbox, maybe with some special tools, would suit it well.

I am really satified with what it can do and again how good the support is and was not questioning the whole system at all.
Still, in my humble opinion, OP had a point.
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