Android Question Problem Designer Script

maurizio barbera

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, I created a script to adapt the view of the screen. in all ok visual designer, but when I start debugging on the display you see the view out of the screen ... for instance. (I know that the designer does not enter the lower part but my problem is the right side)

the code is:

lblIP.Top = 5dip
lblIP.Left = 5dip
lblPort.Top = lblIP.Top + lblIP.Height + 5dip
lblPort.Left = lblIP.Left
lblUtente.Top = lblPort.Top + lblPort.Height + 5dip
lblUtente.Left = lblIP.Left
lblPassword.Top = lblUtente.Top + lblUtente.Height + 5dip
lblPassword.Left = lblIP.Left
lblDBdaUsare.Top = lblPassword.Top + lblPassword.Height + 5dip
lblDBdaUsare.Left = lblIP.Left
lblDatabase.Top = lblDBdaUsare.Top + lblDBdaUsare.Height + 5dip
lblDatabase.Left = lblIP.Left
cmdSalva.Top = lblDatabase.Top + lblDatabase.Height + 5dip + 5dip
cmdSalva.Left = lblIP.Left
cmdTestIP.Top = 5dip
cmdTestIP.Left = 100%x - cmdTestIP.Width - 5dip
cmdTestIP.Height = txtPassword.Top + txtPassword.Height + 5dip
cmdLeggiDB.Top = lblDatabase.Top
cmdLeggiDB.Left = cmdTestIP.Left
cmdLeggiDB.Height = lstDatabase.Height
cmdEsci.Top = cmdSalva.Top
cmdEsci.Left = 100%x - cmdEsci.Width - 5dip
txtIP.Top = lblIP.Top
txtIP.Left = lblIP.Left + lblIP.Width + 5dip
txtIP.Width = cmdTestIP.Left - lblIP.Left - lblIP.Width - 10dip
txtPort.Top = lblPort.Top
txtPort.Left = txtIP.Left
txtPort.Width = txtIP.Width
txtUtente.Top = lblUtente.Top
txtUtente.Left = txtIP.Left
txtUtente.Width = txtIP.Width
txtPassword.Top = lblPassword.Top
txtPassword.Left = txtIP.Left
txtPassword.Width = txtIP.Width
lblNomeDatabase.Top = lblDBdaUsare.Top
lblNomeDatabase.Left = txtIP.Left
lblNomeDatabase.Width = txtIP.Width
lstDatabase.Top = lblDatabase.Top
lstDatabase.Left = txtIP.Left
lstDatabase.Width = txtIP.Width


  • imageDesigner.png
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