The only reason I can think of that this is happening is because the app cannot find the php file. There is nothing wrong with the php script at all.
Q. Which example of the BVAD3 tutorial are you exploring?
Q. What is your ServerIP variable defined as on the Main Module? Is it
ServerIP = "http://www.localhost:8080"
Q. Can you confirm the variable name for AppName? Did you change it?
Q. Are you running from a development server / external web server?
Q. Are you using a port number to run your web server?
1. Check this in Process_Globals
Public AppName As String = "bvad3"
2. Check this in App_Start
BANano.PHP_NAME = $"${AppName}.php"$
#if release
'change to external host domain e.g
'exclude the port address
#end if
BANano.PHPHost = $"${ServerIP}/${AppName}/"$
BANano.PHPAddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *")