Android Question strange behavior of my code ? or of IDE?


Licensed User
Hi All,

I did a large program which started to have a strange behavior. I removed nearly all codes and it continues to have this strange behavior :
  1. I "compile & execute" with F5 and IDE failed to install the Apps on my phone.
  2. I re "compile and execute" and the Apps works well
  3. I uninstall the Apps from my phone
  4. I re re "compile & execute" with F5 and it failed again like in 1.

Did someone already face the same situation ?
thank for help


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Licensed User
Longtime User
What is the exact error message displayed when your app doesn't install onto your phone?

Does it happen when using a different device or the emulator?
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Licensed User
I think you saved my day. in the error message it was said that sometimes the project has to be cleaned. So I cleaned it and it worked!
I wonder why F5 doen not clean the project at the same time ?
(I am using a device)
Thanks a lot
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B4X founder
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1. The compiler tries to reuse all kinds of things between compilations to make the compilation and deployment faster. This is why it doesn't "clean" the project automatically.
2. The compiler doesn't know that you have uninstalled the app from the device. So you need to clean the project (Ctrl + P) to force it to build everything.
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