@qsrtech : While I appreciate you're frustrated by beta bugs and omissions, please keep some perspective.
The VB6>.net thing was a huge shift (some would say schism) - change of dialect, spotty compatibility, etc.
B4A 4.3>5.0 is a much, MUCH smaller change - evolution rather than revolution. I've found no dialect gaps or substantial compilation problems so far, and most of the big changes are in the IDE itself, bringing it up to date. Several little issues and omissions, most of which will be addressed quickly. In short, a BETA.
Looking at Erel's reply, it's clear he was irritated, but I don't see a personal attack in there. He suggested that your attitude was negative (which your throw-away comment was) and that you should not use the beta if you're not prepared for beta problems. I think that's fair enough.