Other B4A 10! BETA is available for download


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Download link: www.b4x.com/android/files/beta.exe

I'm very excited to release the beta version of B4A 10. The new templates feature will make it simpler for new developer to get started with B4X, and will also make it simpler to use B4XPages and other frameworks.

Project templates: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-projects-templates.119901/


Comment links: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-comment-links.119897/


New project dialog:


Note that when the IDE is opened it starts with no editor, until you load or create a new project.

Latest versions of all internal libraries are included.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Fantastic Erel.
To avoid
Note that when the IDE is opened it starts with no editor, until you load or create a new project.
I think the idea given by @Star-Dust in this post:

is an excellent suggestion
Have a nice day
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Peter Simpson

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Thank you for matching the blank code editor theme in this beta release.

As I use the dark theme, currently in B4J and B4i betas the blank code editor color is bright white until I either create a new project or open a saved project. I was going to create a post about the theme color clash, but you've obviously updated opening the blank ide color to match the currently saved theme in B4A beta. I'm expecting that this update will find its way to the other betas as well.

Thank you...
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Someone interested to create a YT channel to share what’s new in B4X version? I always watch video such as What’s new in Elementary OS 6 or channel like Linux Experiment.
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Great! Downloading and testing
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