Other [B4X][BANano][CLASS] JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax

I always loved the function @wonder had written to read JSON files using a path structure: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/json-getobjfrompath.85539/#content
It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects.

But I always wondered if there couldn't be a similar system to also create and modify JSON with a similar syntax...

Hence the JSONPath class

Note: this class is also BANano compatible but requires BANano 9.03+ because of a bug in the Split function.

The Json we want to create (a game with two teams, each with two players and one of them is the captain):
     "game": "2024\/09\/11",
     "teams": [
               "players": [
                         "surName": "Bailleul",
                         "name": "Alain"
                         "surName": "Brion",
                         "name": "Catherine",
                         "isCaptain": true
               "name": "De Caddie Clan"
               "players": [
                         "surName": "Pattyn",
                         "name": "Filip"
                         "surName": "Wittouck",
                         "name": "Kristof",
                         "isCaptain": true
               "name": "De Golfers"

Code to make this json (explanation see further):
Dim Path As JSONPath
Path.Initialize($"{"game": "2024/09/11"}"$)
Path.set("teams/@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Alain", "surName": "Bailleul"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Catherine", "surName": "Brion"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/#/isCaptain", True)
Path.set("teams/#/name", "De Caddie Clan")
Path.set("teams/@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Filip", "surName": "Pattyn"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Kristof", "surName": "Wittouck"))
Path.set("teams/#/players/#/isCaptain", True)
Path.set("teams/#/name", "De Golfers")

With a simple path syntax we create and modify branches of the Json. Adding the same referee to both teams is as simple as:
Path.set("teams/*/players/@", CreateMap("name": "3th", "surName": "Person", "isReferee": True))

     "game": "2024\/09\/11",
     "teams": [
               "players": [
                         "surName": "Bailleul",
                         "name": "Alain"
                         "surName": "Brion",
                         "name": "Catherine",
                         "isCaptain": true
                         "surName": "Person",
                         "name": "3th",
                         "isReferee": true
               "name": "De Caddie Clan"
               "players": [
                         "surName": "Pattyn",
                         "name": "Filip"
                         "surName": "Wittouck",
                         "name": "Kristof",
                         "isCaptain": true
                         "surName": "Person",
                         "name": "3th",
                         "isReferee": true
               "name": "De Golfers"

How about changing the referees name in all teams?
Path.set("teams/*/players/#/name", "Paul")
Path.set("teams/*/players/#/surName", "Cardoen")

Or let's get all the captains:
Dim captains As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("isCaptain": True))
For Each key As String In captains.Keys
        Dim play As Map = captains.Get(key)
        Log("The captain is: " & play.Get("name") & " " & play.Get("surName"))

Moving a player from one team to another other:
Dim play As Map = Path.Move("teams/1/players/0", "teams/0/players/@")

I think you may get the idea. ;)

Some explanation about the paths:

First, you may have noticed the symbols in the paths. They have to do with functionalities of array objects:

* = All items in the array
# = the last item in the array
@ = add a new object in the array
Number: a specific index in the array
{"prop": "value"} = object in the array where the property = value

So the line:
Path.set("teams/*/players/@", CreateMap("name": "3th", "surName": "Person", "isReferee": True))

would read as: in all teams (*) add (@) this person to the players array

Path.set("teams/*/players/#/name", "Paul")

would read as: in all teams (*) for the last item in the players array (#) set his name to Paul.

Dim GamePlayers As Map = DB.Filter($"games/{"id": 1}/teams/{"teamId": 1}/scores"$, CreateMap("playerId": PlayerID))
Dim GamePlayers As Map = DB.Filter($"games/{"id": 1}/teams/{"teamId": 1}/scores/{"playerId": ${PlayerID}}"$, Null)

would read as: in games with id = 1 and teams as id = 1 get the scores of player with playerId = PlayerID


.Initialize(jsonOrObject as Object)

Initializes a JSONPath.

if jsonOrObject is an empty string, the JSONPath type will be TYPE_UNDEFINED until the first item is added.
jsonOrObject can be a json string, a map, a list or another JSONPath.

Note: if it is another JSONPath, it is added by reference!

Because in the example our first .Set call starts with a "property" (teams), the root of the JSONPath becomes a Map. It we would be a List if we would start it like this:
Dim Path As JSONPath
Path.set("@/players/@", CreateMap("name": "Alain", "surName": "Bailleul"))

which would result in this Json:
          "players": [
                    "surName": "Bailleul",
                    "name": "Alain"

Note: both example versions are in the demo project.

.ToString() As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string does not include any extra white space.

.ToPrettyString(indent As Int) As String
Creates a JSON string from the initialized object.
The string will be indented and easier for reading.
Note that the string created is a valid JSON string.
Indent - number of spaces to add to each level.

.getRootType() As Int
returns the type of the root: TYPE_MAP, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_UNDEFINED

.Get(path As String) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array

Log("The name of player 1 in team 1 is " & Path.Get("teams/1/players/1/name"))

.GetDefault(path As String, default As Object) As Object
Gets the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0),
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
default - a default value if the path was not found

.GetClone(path As String) As Object
Returns a clone of the object given its full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcard:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
Note: This is a seperate clone and making changes to it will not change the original one.

.Set(path As String, value As Object)
Sets an object at the given full path.
path - the full path to the object, each branch separated by a /
for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use @ to add it to the end of an array
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
value - the value of the object at the path (can be another JSONPath)

.Remove(path As String) As Object
Remove an object given its full path.
path can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
Returns the removed object

.Copy(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
copies an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the copied object

' copy player 0 from team 0 and add him at the end of the players in team 1
Dim play As Map = Path.Copy("teams/0/players/0", "teams/1/players/@")

.Move(fromPath As String, toPath As String) As Object
move an object from path to path
paths can not have wildcards (@, #, *, {})
returns the moved object

' move player 0 from team 1 and add him at the end of the players in team 0
Dim play As Map = Path.Move("teams/1/players/0", "teams/0/players/@")

.Filter(path As String, filterMap As Map) As Map
Finds objects given the full path and some fields.

The value can be a map of fields. Pass null for no filter.
path - for an array use the index (starting from 0)
path can have wildcards:
- use # to refer to the last item in an array
- use * to refer to all items in the array
- use a json String to inner filter objects within an array
Returns a Map of objects found, the key is the full path to the object

' get all the players with the name "3th"
Dim players As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("name": "3th"))
For Each key As String In players.Keys
        Dim play As Map = players.Get(key)
        Log("Player " & play.Get("name") & " full path = " & key)


Dim play as Map = Path.Filter($"teams/{"name": "De Caddie Clan"}/players/"$, CreateMap("name": "Catherine"))

.GetArraySize(Path As String) As Long
Returns the size of the array, given the full path to the array.
Returns -1 if not found

.PathToKeys(path As String) As String()
Helper method: returns an array of all the keys in the path

' we want to get all the captains and then use their key to build a new path to his team to get its name
Dim captains As Map = Path.Filter("teams/*/players", CreateMap("isCaptain": True))
For Each key As String In captains.Keys
        Dim play As Map = captains.Get(key)
        Log("The captain is: " & play.Get("name") & " " & play.Get("surName"))
        ' use the key to lookup the team
        Dim Keys() As String = Path.PathToKeys(key)
        Dim TeamPath As Map = Path.Get(Keys(0) & "/" & Keys(1))
        Log("From the team: " & TeamPath.Get("name"))

.KeysToPath(keys() As String) As String
Helper method: makes a path from an array of keys



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