BridgeCLI is a command line B4A-Bridge manager written in B4J.
It allows developers to install release APKs through the command line.
You can use it to deploy applications on multiple devices.
It should work on Mac and Linux as well as Windows (It was only tested on Windows).
You should run B4A-Bridge v2.3+ on the devices.
It can use the auto discovery feature to find devices.
To list the discovered devices:
Output: - LGE Nexus 5 - LGE Nexus 5X
The second supported feature is -Install. You need to pass the APK file and it will install it.
In this case it will install it on the first device found.
You can add -Ip to select the ip address (instead of auto discover):
You can add -Name to select one of the discovered devices:
The B4J source code is attached.
- Make sure that the device is not connected to the IDE with B4A-Bridge when using this tool. Otherwise the IDE will "steal" the connection and the transfer will be broken.
It allows developers to install release APKs through the command line.
You can use it to deploy applications on multiple devices.
It should work on Mac and Linux as well as Windows (It was only tested on Windows).
You should run B4A-Bridge v2.3+ on the devices.
It can use the auto discovery feature to find devices.
To list the discovered devices:
java -jar BridgeCLI.jar -Discover - LGE Nexus 5 - LGE Nexus 5X
The second supported feature is -Install. You need to pass the APK file and it will install it.
java -jar BridgeCLI.jar -Install "C:\Users\H\Documents\B4A Samples\Objects\1.apk"
You can add -Ip to select the ip address (instead of auto discover):
java -jar BridgeCLI.jar -Install "C:\Users\H\Documents\B4A Samples\Objects\1.apk" -Ip
You can add -Name to select one of the discovered devices:
java -jar BridgeCLI.jar -Install "C:\Users\H\Documents\B4A Samples\Objects\1.apk" -Name "LGE Nexus 5X"
The B4J source code is attached.
- Make sure that the device is not connected to the IDE with B4A-Bridge when using this tool. Otherwise the IDE will "steal" the connection and the transfer will be broken.
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