I have a canvas (c) which is declared in main and initialised in my start routine for a separate module
What is the recommended method of clearing the canvas c.release and c.initialize do not clear it, if I return to the screen it has drawn one canvas over the top of the previous unless I restart the entire application
I have tried declaring the canvas in main , habe tried removing the canvas panel from the root panel, but even when re added it contains the old canvas data
Public Sub StartShow
If pg.IsInitialized = False Then
End If
gmap.Initialize("gmap", ApiKey)
Main.c.Initialize(ChartPanelx) '<==
End Sub
What is the recommended method of clearing the canvas c.release and c.initialize do not clear it, if I return to the screen it has drawn one canvas over the top of the previous unless I restart the entire application
I have tried declaring the canvas in main , habe tried removing the canvas panel from the root panel, but even when re added it contains the old canvas data