Hi all,
I've upgrade b4a and firebase to the newer version to continue to receive crashlytics from my application even after 15 november 2020.
I continue to receive crashlytics fine but without custom key. (Custom Key where set by a Crashlytics module that use fabric)
Someone has any suggestion on how to set CustomKey with newer version?
Thanks in advance
I've upgrade b4a and firebase to the newer version to continue to receive crashlytics from my application even after 15 november 2020.
I continue to receive crashlytics fine but without custom key. (Custom Key where set by a Crashlytics module that use fabric)
Crashlytics Module:
Sub Class_Globals
Private CL As JavaObject
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize (context As JavaObject)
#if Release
Dim fabric As JavaObject
CL.InitializeNewInstance("com.crashlytics.android.Crashlytics", Null)
Dim kits As JavaObject
kits.InitializeArray("io.fabric.sdk.android.Kit", Array(CL))
fabric = fabric.InitializeNewInstance("io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric.Builder", Array(context)) _
.RunMethodJo("kits", Array(kits)) _
.RunMethod("build", Null)
Dim StaticFabric As JavaObject
StaticFabric.InitializeStatic("io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric").RunMethod("with", Array(fabric))
#end if
End Sub
Public Sub SetKey(Key As String, Value As String)
#if Release
CL.RunMethod("setString", Array(Key, Value))
#end if
End Sub
Public Sub CLog(msg As String)
#If Release
CL.RunMethod("log", Array(msg))
#End If
End Sub
Someone has any suggestion on how to set CustomKey with newer version?
Thanks in advance