Idea to "convert" source code for sell -> open source for all.


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Longtime User
Well sometimes you want your project have great future and be bigger...

You want more developers and graphics designer have your code and make it better - because more brains and hands are always better !

But when it comes the time to share you want share the pain, the time, the money gave or lost...

So the idea i have, is to share the price/value to many - that will open the doors of source code but every change of code or idea must uploaded to forum, to all...

One for All.. All for one !


1. Developer of "first" Source Code, name the price let's say 10000 euros
2. Will have a conversation about the price... may be change it... let's say will be 5000euros
3. It will have a vote of positives (will pay) and of negatives answers...
4. If negatives are more... the conversation will go to step 2 - if keep looping 2-4... it's up to developer to decide what he wants to do with the price...
5. .if stay.. 5000eur / positives = amount-price for payment per "positive" guys

And ofcourse... we can try have sponsors for the Open Source Project...

Imagine your project be bigger - have translations, make it better....

Please talk about it.... add your rules or something...
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