Well, I ve decided to create a Form-View Generator (B4J - B4A)... that creates Forms with B4XTable + with no writing code at all...
The Designer is in B4J code, the produced code/files working at B4A too !!!
- It uses SQLite, easily can change at any SQL Database (mysql, mssql... etc)
- You can select table... columns/fields.. change them order... delete from view (not from sql table)
- When columns/fields automatically inserted at the listview for ordering - automatically changes type (when double -> 0.00, when int just 0/number, date->text center..)
- You can change width, columns captions, type/formatting fast...
- First column is always the key for "SELECT .. from table where ..."
- With Saving View - automatically generate the view and also creates .json file editable with Erel's FormBuilder (adding extra key for formatting numbers too)
- When opening first time select the database and working folder... creates ini for not asking everytime the same (if you are using it for projects is useful)
- Also includes a way creating html files (when selecting print button at the result-form-view)... that are printable... and beautiful viewing too..
- All the buttons at the result-form-view are working search, show all, edit, delete, print, add new.. using b4xdialog, preferencesdialog with auto generated files...
- For the result-form using SwiftButtons - XUI Views... and B4X Controls... so will be very easy to run at B4A...
- Tip: if a Column in Database is required... then automatically at the generated .json (Formbuilder) readable from preferencesdialog - required too...
What do you think ?

Check here video with Test in Android... // Another Video Example for Android... // An Example video for Windows App
Here you can Download an APK Demo with a Result-End-User-Example to check it how it works !!!
What you will get ?
- Form-View Generator (source code for B4J)
- Form-View Generator (executable)
- EasyViewTable.bas (that works at B4J, B4A.. didn’t tried at B4I)
- Various Open Source CMD Line utilities, including mine PrintHtml (a simple source code in VB6) + executable…
- Full B4XPages Example for including EasyViewTable Generated Forms, .json, html printing (B4J, B4A)
- Documentation, etc
- Check for bugs (and inform me in B4X forum, caution! without posting the whole code-but small parts) – Post with this form at B4A Questions or B4J Questions sample title of thread ex: Problem reading .view file [B4X/EasyCode], so it will possible check it as soon as possible or other users could answer it.
- If you found something will make it faster, better and you write some code – will be good to be shared with me.
Credits + Donation will come from all ! Be sure ! - If you have any idea for EasyCode – that will help all the community – share it…
Will make it better ! - Post Screenshots of you apps and your layouts (you can share them too).
- Do not change the code and re-sell it. Be nice guy! Caution !
Make the life of B4X Developer easier… and create many tools that will automate the creation of code, business apps like CRUD, POS etc… more coming…
Tutorial - How to use EasyCode-Form/View Generator...
Needed Libraries for you Projects:
Well.. after months of programming...
I want to share / sell my Form-View Generator...

Very Easy to Learn it !!!
Support me with at least... 39€
Thanks in advance for supporting !
ps: 20% of any "support" will go to B4X... (every Friday.. will contribute B4X)
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