B4J Question IP-camera reading frames


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Hi, All

I'm trying to work with jOpenCV lib for custom object set recognition\identification.
But i have found that only reading the video stream and showing the frames by jOpenCV lib (without any processing) consumes lots of CPU time:
  1. FullHD video reading without showing on the screen: 25% of CPU (AMD Ryzen5. Intel i7 was better, lower)
  2. FullHD video reading with showing on the screen: ~35%
  3. FullHD video reading with showing on the screen, and with some recognition processing: 100% of CPU with interval about 800...1200 ms between frames (iterations)
  4. VGA video (640 x 480) reading with showing on the screen: 10%
  5. VGA video (640 x 480) reading with showing on the screen and with some recognition processing: ~70 - 80% of CPU with interval about 200 ms between frames (iterations)
Only the latest 5th variant looks acceptable for usage.
The threading lib is ... hard for me to try to use here, especially when the debugging in the Debug mode is required.

So, i guess, maybe for the better speed - is there any lib to just read the frames from a video stream of IP-camera ? To read frames by the separate app (in the separate CPU thread) and save as just JPG pictures. And the main app with jOpenCV is just reading these pictures (and deletes) to process in its separate thread.

Any idea about such lib to read the IP-camera stream ?


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but.... it's unclear the main - how to grab the frame...

https://videolan.videolan.me/vlc/gr...layer.html#ga612605f2e5c638d9f4ed59021d714bf0 - but no idea how to use it in B4J

This VLC warning gives idea that no much performance can be expected , in whole, comparing to ready jOpenCV lib
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I have a simple idea... and you can use (i think) and a simple webview (no need 3rd party libs or tools)... you can capture as screenshot every some ms... with a timer...

Sub timer1_tick
    Dim Rect1 As JavaObject
    Rect1.InitializeNewInstance("java.awt.Rectangle",Array(0,0,1920,1080))  'you can give only the rectangle you want !

    Dim Jo As JavaObject = Me
    Dim bbi() As Byte
end sub

#if java

import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.io.*;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import com.github.zakgof:webp4j:0.0.2;

   public static byte[] capturess(final Rectangle rect) throws AWTException,
         IOException {
    Robot robot = new Robot();
    BufferedImage screenFullImage = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      ImageIO.write(screenFullImage, "jpg", baos);
      byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
    //String bytesBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes);
    return bytes;

    // convert BufferedImage to byte[]
    public static byte[] toByteArray(BufferedImage bi, String format)
        throws IOException {

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ImageIO.write(bi, format, baos);
        byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
        return bytes;


#End If
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barcode reader example using vlcj

Yes, thanks for pointing, it works:
private Sub getMp As JavaObject
    Dim jo As JavaObject=vlc.player
    Dim mp As JavaObject=jo.RunMethod("getMp",Null)
    Return mp
End Sub

Sub tim_Tick
    Dim bufferedImage As JavaObject = getMp.RunMethod("getSnapshot",Null)
    If bufferedImage.IsInitialized Then
        Dim SwingFXUtils As JavaObject
        Dim image As B4XBitmap = SwingFXUtils.RunMethod("toFXImage",Array(bufferedImage, Null))
    End If
End Sub

But the result is that ... this consumes the same 32...35% of CPU for FullHD (local video file) Anyway. The same as jOpenCV directly.
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When i have all in a single B4J app with such high load of IP-cam stream and processing by jOpenCV - the PC is very irresponsible, hungs every second or more. Processing algorithm is hard (or unclear for me how) to make fast and smooth by interface at the same time.

But if:
1) one B4J app (grabber) using jOpenCV lib is just grabbing IP-cam's stream into ... a single JPG file-frame.
2) second B4J app (neuro-analyzer) using jOpenCV lib also is just waiting for this single JPG file-frame and process it.

each app can work on separate CPU core, and overall PC responsibility ... will it be better ?
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...I think that the biggest problem is the analyzing/processing/identification... "check the youtube video..."

Yes you can possible with the taskmanager of windows change affinity/cpu.. but i am not sure that this will solve the problem... at last/the end is the same cpu...

Sometimes... cloud can be helpful... a vps with many cpus that will be used only for processing... and just wait the result at your local pc...

Or you can resize image or change compression / crop the image at specific region (taking only the face somehow) and play with your hardware...
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I know that i have to adjust the recognition parameters and all this.
But anyway the PC must be non-hunging, responsible under this app - this is the main task.
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Yes, app for just grabbing from IP-camera by OpenCV is OK, 5-7 times per second via LAN for such code:

Sub Process_Globals

    Dim mCore As OCVCore    'must be first declared !
    Dim mImgProc As OCVImgproc        ' Image processing class
    Dim mVideoCapture As OCVVideoCapture
    Dim mHighGui As OCVHighGui
    Dim OCV As OCVHelper
    Dim imcodecs As OCVImgcodecs
    Dim vio As OCVVideoio
    Dim vcMat As OCVMat    'current frame grabbed
    Public doProcessStream, isProcessingStream As Boolean
End Sub

Sub processStream(streamPath As String)
    If streamPath = "" Then
        mVideoCapture.Initialize2(0)    'default web-cam
        mVideoCapture.Initialize1(streamPath)    ' -1: capture from video file or URL
    End If
    If mVideoCapture.isOpened Then
        others.AddToLog("Frame size: " & mVideoCapture.get(vio.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) & " x " & mVideoCapture.get(vio.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
        others.AddToLog("Video stream capture trouble...")
    End If
    doProcessStream = True
    mVideoCapture.set(vio.CV_CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 3) 'small frame buffer
    Do While doProcessStream
        Captured = False    'reset
        isProcessingStream = True
            For i = 0 To 3
                mVideoCapture.grab    'clear the buffer, skip 3 frames
            Captured = mVideoCapture.retrieve1(vcMat)    ' get the latest fresh frame only

        If Captured Then
            Dim img As Image = OpenCVutils.MatToBitmap(vcMat)
            others.Save_Picture_JPG(GrabbingFolder, GrabbingFile, img)
            Log("Capture error: " & streamPath)
            isProcessingStream = False
            doProcessStream = False    'interrupt processing
            Run_NN    'restart
        End If
    isProcessingStream = False
    Log("CAM released")
End Sub

Sub Run_NN
    doProcessStream = False    'interrupt processing
    CallSub2(Me, "processStream", SourceURL)
End Sub

Frame was 1280 x 720, and CPU is used just for 3...5% !!!
So, need to make some recognition of the grabbed JPG frame, but in a second app.
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            For i = 0 To 3
                mVideoCapture.grab    'clear the buffer, skip 3 frames
can i ask something ?

that isn't grabbing 3 times ???? - if you grab out of loop (without for..next)... wouldn;t be faster ? ...2% of cpu ?
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So, need to make some recognition of the grabbed JPG frame, but in a second app.

First of all crop - don;t forget to crop at the window-region + you want check for recognition !

0) resize the picture to smaller (???)
1) crop at Window-region
2) Grayscale the jpg (make it 8bit too) - sometimes colors not needed...
3) compress if possible nobody needs an 100% quality image... 70~80% works for all... try
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that isn't grabbing 3 times ???? - if you grab out of loop (without for..next)... wouldn;t be faster ? ...2% of cpu ?
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