Android Code Snippet Snipped Manager

Dear friends,
I looked to the snipped managers as pointed out in this forum and I am not convinced. Searching the Internet I found several better solutions. The one I choose is a portable windows desktop application. It is working fine on my win 10 64-bit system.

We all know that b4A is not a programming language that is common therefore I had to adopt the software a little bit and now you are able to manage snippeds for B4A.
If anyone likes to manage also snippeds for B4J aso. please tell me an I will include this to.

The best is that the application is free of charge so you may download it from (updates).

Please find attached the last version adopted by me. Unzip the Files into a directory and start the exe - thats all. The application has a fine help but is self explanationed. To give you some benefits in addition I filled up the snipped database with some snippeds I found here in the snipped forum. I will move on to do this and from time to time I will publish updates with more snippeds If it is requestd by the forum.

Stay well and good luck with this helping hand.:)


    375 KB · Views: 404


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Longtime User
Hello Guenter,

very convenient. It would be nice if you could manage all three IDEs. B4A / B4i / B4J ... I would be most pleased if a [B4XPages] department were there too.

Greetings ... also Guenter

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
Ok, will do in the next days.
To have a little help from the crowd I will place a Post explaining what to dbe done to adopt the programm. It's easy. The only tricky work is to fill in all the special language commands but this is only important for code hightlighting and I think it can be neglected.
The knowledge to adopt may be good to know if an update of the programm kills the config file. Do'nt know if it does.

You may help me a little bit because I only use B4A:

Filename extensions:
B4A - .bas
B4i - ???
BfJ - ???

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
Had just some time and did it. See Post Snipped Manager Part 2.


Licensed User
Maybe there's something I'm missing
I don't see any source in the file attached to your post
What is the use, in a group of programmers, of having a Snipped Manager that you cannot modify or study the code?

Guenter Becker

Active Member
Licensed User
No Source! As I pointed out this snipped manager is not developed by me. If you do not like to use it don't do it. If you think better to develop a snipped manager by yourself do it it would be welcome. I'm sorry I'm no developer for B4X Suite Plugins. But others than you judge this snipped manager as helpfull for her development. And I think it sould be better to have the possibility to use it rather than to have nothing.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Maybe there's something I'm missing
I don't see any source in the file attached to your post
What is the use, in a group of programmers, of having a Snipped Manager that you cannot modify or study the code?
This one is not... horrendous:
