
  1. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] How to clear list of uploaded files using ABMUpload?

    Hi there When one is using the ABMUpload to upload files, after the files are uploaded a list of the files is kept showing in the component. How does one clear this list to start afresh. I had thought the component .Refresh method would clear the list of files, nada. Any advice please? Thanks
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] How do I make the ABMUpload take the full width of the cell?

    Hi there I'd like my ABMUpload to take the complete width of the cell, is this possible? Thanks.
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] When is it absolutely necessary to call .Refresh of a component?

    Hi there For those components that have a .Refresh method. When is this method call absolutely necessary? As an example, I have controls in a modal sheet / container that change and the contents are updated during Read from a database and then displayed. Is it compulsory for each of the...
  4. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] [SOLVED] How do I refresh a table based on combo selection without reloading the page?

    Hi there I have 4 combo boxes on my page, in each of the pairs, one depends on another. Each time a selection changes, the selected value is saved to session storage (if another related page is opened, values are loaded from session storage and display appropriate content). On the last...
  5. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Obfuscated Release?

    Ola Perhaps a stupid question. Does compiling ABM code in obfuscated release mode break anything in the app? Ive been using Release mode and just curious. #NotTested
  6. Joan Paz

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Can I override the input abmaterial events?

    Hello! Im trying to use a external javascript component (chosen.js) but then i refresh one element in the page, the abmaterial input events override the chosen event. This component (chosen) is a select with filter, and if i cant handle de input dosent work. Thanks!
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Library [ABMaterial]: Mapping with Leaflet.js?

    Hi there This intends to be everything about the Leaflet.js mapping stuff for ABM. Now my thing here will be simple but if anyone is interested, besides the normal plotting of markers etc, what would you like to do? This is on the cards... 1. Adding markers 2. Adding polylines 3. Adding...
  8. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Navigation bar recommendations for small devices???

    Hi there The ABM navigation bar on small devices for me is very tricky. The title at times seems to take a while to decide where it wants to be placed so it dances a little bit left and right then it holds. Perhaps its mym device. I need some recommendations on how to make this work for me. I...
  9. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial]: [Solved] How to view session storage?

    Hi there I'm trying to view what has been stored in my session storage using F12 (developer console), dololo. For some reason I'm saving stuff and it does not seem to register them in the sessions or even read them. I'm sure I'm doing something somewhere? Can someone please advise? Thanks a...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Library [ABMaterial] Beginning the Frappe Gantt Chart

    Ola So, Frappe, the team that did Frappe Charts, also have a Frappe Gantt chart. So I decided to test it out because it has a nice look and feel. Yes, its just a basic gantt chart but why not? Afterall I'm still working on a Project Management App and need all the eye candy I can get. So...
  11. Mashiane

    B4J Library [ABMaterial]: Additional Frappe Chart Things

    Ola I wanted a way to have legends shown on my Frappe Charts, especially the line and bar charts and after being referred to the source code, and the need for this lightweight charting component on my app, decided to code it. The approach used is the same with the MorrisChart discussed as I...
  12. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial]: How to add legends to FrappeChart?

    Hi there Exploring the awesome frappe chart. Run into a snag, how do I add legends to it? Thanks
  13. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial]: Me like Donuts

    Ola So me runs into this nice charting library, morris chart. Me see a nice donut. Me likes donut. Their examples are quite nice and straight forward and easy to implement using Custom Component. The hovering effects on the charts are also impressive. So I start testing the implementation...
  14. Mashiane

    B4J Question What kind of hickups (if any) did you experience deploying B4J server applications coupled with ABM?

    Hi there ABMers Just out of curiousity. What kind of hickups (if any) did you experience deploying your B4J ABM tied app? How did you solve these? I'm about to deploy one of my app and just out of interest from similar ABM users out there? For example, what is the optimal server configation...
  15. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Display formatted ABMEditor Text on table.

    Hi there I'm having an editor in my modal sheet, data is saved and retrieved property. How can I convert this text to normal for display in an ABMLabel to show as normal text? Is there a built in function that can help with the formatting? See Impact and Status below. These can contain...
  16. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [ABMaterial] Project.Show

    Ola Thanks to the superb ABM 4.25, more faster, more clearer, Wow! I'm kinda speechless. This is one of the best frameworks I've ever used. Anyway, this is a work in progress that is going very smoothly so far. These are just a few of the featured modules, a lot is happening. Wish I had 4...
  17. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial]: How to fit ABMGoogleMap to RC with SetFixedHeightFromBottom?

    Ola... I have created an RC(2,1) and page.Cell(2,1).SetFixedHeightFromBottom(20, False) The height of my ABMGoogleMap is 500 (int) however I want it to fit the whole RC, taking the whole page area. Fortunately, there is a .SetStyleProperty call in ABM. So...
  18. Mashiane

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMGoogleMap_Ready Event continuous firing

    Hi there GIF What makes the _ready event fire numerous times on a page. I have defined a map on a page, I need to load markers as soon as the page is loaded so I thought of using the map_ready event. Thing is, the ready event fires a couple of times continuously and never seems to stop. I dont...
  19. Joan Paz

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Error in the Public Name (case sensitive)

    If you make the mistake of placing the variable with the name of the class in minuscule when the name of the class has uppercase letters, the folder is created in an erroneous way. It is not enough to change the value of the variable and go back to complilar, since windows is not case-sensitive...
  20. Joan Paz

    B4J Question Send an image with ajax post to ABmaterial upload handler

    Hi! is possible send a .jpg picture to abmuploadhandler using a ajax post metod? I just want to send a after crooped picture to the server, not the original picture