Hi Everyone!
I'm trying to publish my first app in Google Play Store and I noticed that my app doesn't support 64-bits devices...
I don't know which one is needing an update an where to find them...
Can it be a problem with the SDK? I'm trying to update it with the SDK Manager but, what in specific do I need?
And I have this in the manifest:
Please I need an answer as soon as posible. If anyone know how to fix this, please I hope you tell me.
I'm trying to publish my first app in Google Play Store and I noticed that my app doesn't support 64-bits devices...
I read in older threads that it can maybe been an error with older libraries. I use those:Esta versión no cumple los requisitos de Google Play de 64 bits.
Los siguientes archivos APK o app bundles están disponibles para dispositivos de 64 bits, pero solo incluyen código nativo de 32 bits: [1]
Incluye código nativo de 64 y 32 bits en tu aplicación. Utiliza el formato de publicación de Android App Bundle para asegurarte automáticamente de que cada arquitectura de dispositivo solo recibe el código nativo que necesita. De esta forma, evitas que aumente el tamaño general de la aplicación.
I don't know which one is needing an update an where to find them...
Can it be a problem with the SDK? I'm trying to update it with the SDK Manager but, what in specific do I need?
And I have this in the manifest:
Please I need an answer as soon as posible. If anyone know how to fix this, please I hope you tell me.