Android Question 64-Bits Compilation?

Hi Everyone!
I'm trying to publish my first app in Google Play Store and I noticed that my app doesn't support 64-bits devices...
Esta versión no cumple los requisitos de Google Play de 64 bits.
Los siguientes archivos APK o app bundles están disponibles para dispositivos de 64 bits, pero solo incluyen código nativo de 32 bits: [1]
Incluye código nativo de 64 y 32 bits en tu aplicación. Utiliza el formato de publicación de Android App Bundle para asegurarte automáticamente de que cada arquitectura de dispositivo solo recibe el código nativo que necesita. De esta forma, evitas que aumente el tamaño general de la aplicación.
I read in older threads that it can maybe been an error with older libraries. I use those:

I don't know which one is needing an update an where to find them...
Can it be a problem with the SDK? I'm trying to update it with the SDK Manager but, what in specific do I need?

And I have this in the manifest:

Please I need an answer as soon as posible. If anyone know how to fix this, please I hope you tell me.
I will add that making an analysis on my project libraries I found this:

This files belong with the GoogleVR library... Maybe it need an Update.
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Hi again... I found in this site: Google VR Problem
that the problem is this library and the Google VR SDK, Google didn't upload this tool (only supports 32-bits) and i don't know how to find a solution because I definitly need the VR and 360 Photos features.
I use the library provided by Warwound in this forum: Google VR for B4A
Please, if anyone can help me I will be thankfull. I need a solution as soon as possible.
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Hi Erel! Thanks for answer so quickly... I really need your help.
Surfing on the net I found this:
I find a "solution" for this issue. (Waiting to google fix this and provide a x64 support libs, not definitive)

Practically all mobiles use a ARM process, so this solution may not works in devices with x64 architecture, i not test

Basically to google let you to publish we create a x86_64 folder in the native libs folder(we have to find where is the native libs on our project) and copy the 32 bit .so files (in x86 folder)

Obviously this is not a definitive solution so is the best that i found to google allow me to publish app

How can I do this in B4A?

Besides, I found that the new library for VR and 360 content is called "Video 360 sdk". How can I port this to B4A? I don't know how to do It.
Please I need your help.

Thanks in advance!
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You need to find the jar with the so file and make these changes. It will be a bit surprising if that solution really works.

Jar / AAR files are actually zip files.

Besides, I found that the new library for VR and 360 content is called "Video 360 sdk". How can I port this to B4A? I don't know how to do It.
This requires some Java knowledge.
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Thank you Erel.
Yes, I could make it works!

Yes, I know Java. There is a tutorial or something I can read to make this library for B4A?

Thanks in Advance!
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Longtime User
There is a tutorial or something I can read to make this library for B4A?
This includes a sample library that should compile to a jar and an xml file and place them in your additional libraries folder. If that works you can model your library on that.
Note that for libraries you should use Java 8 to compile (SLC uses the Java presently selected in B4A IDE) as BADoclet can produce corrupted xml files on later Javas.
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