a like-UBER Service...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all, a few ideas to reduce data traffic.

Driver app: send new location and status (available, ..) at fixed intervals (a minute could be ok)
Passenger app: when a big "Search for car" button is clicked, it sends its location (and eventualy other "preferences")
Town: divide it up in operational areas (e.g four sectors or any other mapping that fits the problem)

Server at fixed intervals (again, one per minute?) sends as many MQTT messages as areas defined above. Each driver/passenger app knows where it is currently located so will react (or even turn oin/off topic subscription) appropriately (e.g. map update) to only those messages of interest.

The above are just general ideas. A deep analysis is due in order to take wise decisons about the whole framework.


Licensed User
Longtime User