Best VPS SSD Service ?


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Well for years...

I was using VPS servers at serverpoint and other hosting providers (old days on godaddy... not so good for me) ... now i have dedicated on my lines.. but all these are hardware and upgrades cost a lot !

So i ve decided to get some cheap VPS servers for web-pages and mail services (about 2 or 3...)...

I was looking a lot for Greek hosting VPS... because i am from Greece... but costs are very high...

I also looked Google Cloud services and VPS... but i have no "Picture" - are they good - or they are for other things... better - anyone have webpages on them ?

+ They give 300$ for first year... but...

Do they have automated backups to the cloud (?) ?
Having limits at bandwidth ?
do they have DDOS protection... and what type ?

...anyone tried them ?


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Use Hetzner VPS, it is the best for price performance, they have automated backups,20 TB bandwith monthly which is very high with 1gbps port, they have autoatic ddos protection.



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@tufanv ... well DDOS protection... for free... is it real? - because when then time of brute force attacks comes "all of them" trying to sell you a PRO addon product will be better and more sophisticated...

hmm seems nice...

but anyone tried with GOOGLE VPS >? more expensive but the "name" may be will be better ? or not ... ?


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I use
They are in Spain, so I don't know if you had less perfomance. If you register, you get 5€ for free, so you can test more than a month (even more if you stop the server while not testing.


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Based on my experience with many companies..... Now I work with only 3... the main reason I have is : they are very reliable:
Google cloud
Aws (Amazon)
Digital Ocean

Most used Amazon lightsail $3.50 monthly (512 ram) more than enought for many uses, Nginx MariaDb (optimized) , PHP and Node support


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@tufanv ... well DDOS protection... for free... is it real? - because when then time of brute force attacks comes "all of them" trying to sell you a PRO addon product will be better and more sophisticated...

hmm seems nice...

but anyone tried with GOOGLE VPS >? more expensive but the "name" may be will be better ? or not ... ?
for real protection, you must use cloudflare I think. It is easy to integrate.


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I've used Hetzner (now renamed company for some reason) from here in SA for many years - always had good up-time never had any problem with anything.

The parent is the service in Germany. Hence support @tufanv recommendation. Not added cloudflare (called Cloudbric here) either. Has good site activity reports, ours come with 5 MySql databases within subscription and 100 mailbox / aliases.

The service has been so good I've never been tempted to shop around for something "better".

It seems to be quite difficult to work out the ultimate cost of Google Cloud Services - each of which has a cost attachment. So one would have to be PRETTY clear about what you want to do and use their cloud for. You'll have to do the maths to understand the bulk costs based on anticipated things you do.

Have a look at Hetzner Managed Servers (+-35 euro up in Germany).

Hetzner Manged Server details - DDoS is in there and so on and so forth.


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AWS and Google cloud will be difficult to use and more expensive, next step for you is to use a simpler pricing and service from Hetzner,ovh or digitalocean (maybe linode).


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Longtime User not the price... is how ... reliable ..

and little less the price ofcourse...

cloudflare is only domain ddos defence... isn't it ? ---> if there is an attack direct to ip can't do nothing as i know... right ?


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Longtime User not the price... is how ... reliable ..

and little less the price ofcourse...

cloudflare is only domain ddos defence... isn't it ? ---> if there is an attack direct to ip can't do nothing as i know... right ?
Normally you shouldn't expose your ip so you don't have to worry about it, if you expose your ip, then you choices are limited.It is harder to protect it, you have to rely on the server provider to stop them or use firewall techniques using ufw, iptables etc.. Cloudflare is only domain based yes. I am doing all my business with hetzner for the last 4-5 years and never had a problem. Of course, there may be problems with hosting providers time to time, for example OVH had a fire last month, and if your vps was located there it was a problem for you.

All the providers listed above are reliable. linode,google,aws,ovh,hetzner,digitalocean. As I understand, you are not running a business(yet) to think about being bulletproof against any problem, but If you want it bulletproof you must:

1) Use 2 loadbalancers installed on vps with haproxy from 2 different datacenters of a company and use hearbeat with attachable ip. This way your requests will come to loadbalancer from your users, and with heartbeat if your main loadbalancer is down for reason, heartbeat will attach your ip to other loadbalancer automatically.

2) use at least 2 vps servers as main servers from 2 different companies, and use health checks with haproxy to switch between them if anything happens to main servers

3) connect your cloudflare account to a domain like and create a record for for example and point it to attachable ip monitored by heartbeat.

4) set firewall rules and ddos rules with cloudflare.

This way, I can say you will be really reliable.

Peter Simpson

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I was looking a lot for Greek hosting VPS... because i am from Greece... but costs are very high...
What's your budget?


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All the providers listed above are reliable. linode,google,aws,ovh,hetzner,digitalocean. As I understand, you are not running a business(yet) to think about being bulletproof against any problem...

wrong i am running... :-( and i have bad experiences...

Fires... Take Downs... High Temperatures (LAS VEGAS - before 2 years)... attacks of brute force... but I am alive and not hacked (you never know) yet :)

Normally you shouldn't expose your ip so you don't have to worry about it, if you expose your ip, then you choices are limited.It is harder to protect it, you have to rely on the server provider to stop them or use firewall techniques using ufw, iptables etc..

* Well if using mail services and extra web-services like b4j apps ---> will be exposed someway... so every 2-3 years i am changing the ips (painful)

* I am using IPTABLES, route, FAIL2ban techniques... but for example now ... i am under attack from 1800 ips in same time so routing them with software tricks isn't the best from performance...

The best is hardware Firewall with DDOS... if the provider you work now having it for free.. with full protection and is real (with AI, and blacklist of ips of threat centers) will be very good !!!

1) Use 2 loadbalancers installed on vps with haproxy from 2 different datacenters of a company and use hearbeat with attachable ip. This way your requests will come to loadbalancer from your users, and with heartbeat if your main loadbalancer is down for reason, heartbeat will attach your ip to other loadbalancer automatically.
That is very good but not so easy to setupped + it's very big the cost !

2) use at least 2 vps servers as main servers from 2 different companies, and use health checks with haproxy to switch between them if anything happens to main servers
seems that cost going to be bigger than my dedicated server at my line!

3) connect your cloudflare account to a domain like and create a record for for example and point it to attachable ip monitored by heartbeat.
in this point i want ot ask - are you paying for cloudflare - or using the free.. and at the free --- what are the limits ?

4) set firewall rules and ddos rules with cloudflare. (you mean hardware firewall rules at the provider you already using??)


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wrong i am running... :-( and i have bad experiences...

Fires... Take Downs... High Temperatures (LAS VEGAS - before 2 years)... attacks of brute force... but I am alive and not hacked (you never know) yet :)

* Well if using mail services and extra web-services like b4j apps ---> will be exposed someway... so every 2-3 years i am changing the ips (painful)

* I am using IPTABLES, route, FAIL2ban techniques... but for example now ... i am under attack from 1800 ips in same time so routing them with software tricks isn't the best from performance...

The best is hardware Firewall with DDOS... if the provider you work now having it for free.. with full protection and is real (with AI, and blacklist of ips of threat centers) will be very good !!!

1) Use 2 loadbalancers installed on vps with haproxy from 2 different datacenters of a company and use hearbeat with attachable ip. This way your requests will come to loadbalancer from your users, and with heartbeat if your main loadbalancer is down for reason, heartbeat will attach your ip to other loadbalancer automatically.
That is very good but not so easy to setupped + it's very big the cost !

2) use at least 2 vps servers as main servers from 2 different companies, and use health checks with haproxy to switch between them if anything happens to main servers
seems that cost going to be bigger than my dedicated server at my line!

3) connect your cloudflare account to a domain like and create a record for for example and point it to attachable ip monitored by heartbeat.
in this point i want ot ask - are you paying for cloudflare - or using the free.. and at the free --- what are the limits ?

4) set firewall rules and ddos rules with cloudflare. (you mean hardware firewall rules at the provider you already using??)

You are correct about mail records (mx) it exposes the ip. For that, I am using one server for all mail servers so only my mail server ip is exposed. Main servers are hidden.

1)That is very good but not so easy to setupped + it's very big the cost !

if 2x (2 cpu and 4 ram ) is enough for you this will onlty cost around $25/ month. It is reaally not so hard. You can set it up in 1-2 days at most as you are alreadyexperienced

2) for question 2, I answered above, It will cost around $25, dedicated servers I am using starts from $45 / mo at least so I dont think that will be costly than a dedicated .

3) I am paying for cloudflare on some domains but for other I don't pay. Reason I am paying is, I need advanced firewall analytics on some domains where attacks happen so that I can list top 5 ips making requests to server for example and many other analytics. I ccan easily say tht if you know how to use cloudflare good, you can block any attack.
There are no limits for the free version, for pro as I said there are some improvements like WAF(web application firewall), advanced bot fighting mode, advanced analytics and some other features.

4) No I mean in cloudflare, you can set many firewall rules like:
Block if country is Japan
Block if ASN is OVH (asn is the internet provider, for example you ccan block every machine running on ovh hosting provider or for example you can block every machine connecting via vodafone italy etc..)
Block if user agent is xxx
and many others like this: Rules is a,combine a variety of techniques.

You can also combine many rules with using AND , OR ETC..

Also many pre defined rules are already active for ddos attacks on every free plan. Cloudflare is key for me in protecting my servers but as you said, ip must not be exposed.


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Actually the reason that I am not developing alot last month is because of re-setupping fail2ban and thinking solutions to be more secure...

So it's better to give more money at protection.. like cloudflare.. + thinking a lot using third party mail server like google.. why not?

The time i ll gain.. will be money too..

Thanks all for ideas!

Sometimes is better to share the work with many...


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I'm using on Hetzner 2 core VPS over a year now. It's simple to install simple to configure. Just run one shell script and you have secure mail server with unlimited accounts and domains.
Also have 4 more VPS on Hetzner with 4 and 8 cores. Everything work just as it should. You can also make private network between your servers, backups, snapshoots, etc.
A lot of options and fair price.


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I'm using on Hetzner 2 core VPS over a year now. It's simple to install simple to configure. Just run one shell script and you have secure mail server with unlimited accounts and domains.
Also have 4 more VPS on Hetzner with 4 and 8 cores. Everything work just as it should. You can also make private network between your servers, backups, snapshoots, etc.
A lot of options and fair price.
very simple :) nice and free solution but not a "gmail" as saying :) at first page heh...

is actually a quick wizard of postfix (already using) and roundcube (imap webmail client)

but is a fast solution !!! :) and ofcourse very handy !

a. FOR SMTP... outbound... what are you using SPF, DKIM --- but for greylisting - wasn;t that limited because of GDPR ?
b. by the way anti-spam.. a really good solution ???


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a. FOR SMTP... outbound... what are you using SPF, DKIM --- but for greylisting - wasn;t that limited because of GDPR ?
b. by the way anti-spam.. a really good solution ???
a. SPF, DKIM, DMARC, greylisting turned off.
b. SpamAssasin = 1 spam reach mailbox per 2 month.