Android Example Creative UI/UX Designs + Source Code

Well, from today I am here to help you create more beautiful applications.
B4X Family is a wonderful yet very simple tool for designing functional and beautiful applications
I have been acquainted with B4A since 2010 and whenever I wanted to migrate I could not go to Android Studio and I did not really find a reason to migrate.
From today and from this moment.
I am here with my many years of experience in UI/UX Design.
As the first beautiful source design for the user profile section in the Online Food Ordering App
I will attach it for you.


  1. No Library Needed
  2. You can apply any changes you like to these sources and designs and use them commercially and non-commercially.
  3. Will upload more designs in the same thread


    142.7 KB · Views: 1,398
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm looking forward to it.

When I run the attachment, I get the log as below

Main - 39: Undeclared variable 'util' is used before it was assigned any value.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks @Reckless for your contribution to the B4X community.

Some of you are much much more talented in UI than some of us mortal, including me.
Well I made an app for our company. The outputs are OK, but was pulled for damp UI and I tried changing colors to satisfy them but failed.
Then I used @sfsameer' s gift and some from Erel, and lo and behold everyone appreciated my UI !

I sincerely thank to all expert members for pulling me out of water in UI department. ?


Licensed User
Thanks @Reckless for your contribution to the B4X community.

Some of you are much much more talented in UI than some of us mortal, including me.
Well I made an app for our company. The outputs are OK, but was pulled for damp UI and I tried changing colors to satisfy them but failed.
Then I used @sfsameer' s gift and some from Erel, and lo and behold everyone appreciated my UI !

I sincerely thank to all expert members for pulling me out of water in UI department. ?

thank you so mutch?
I suggest you follow this topic
I will do my best to improve the UI/UX design of the B4X community applications

I will include all the sources, not just the design
Practice and practice and practice


Licensed User
I am very happy that I have prepared a new UI
I have designed and programmed more than 300 applications in the field of food.
So far and my specialty is in this field.
This new design comes with a gift source for you

Food Delivery Main Page (Index Page) :
Dark.jpg Light.jpg

  1. No Library Needed
  2. You can apply any changes you like to these sources and designs and use them commercially and non-commercially.
  3. Will upload more designs in the same thread


  • mainPage
    432.2 KB · Views: 848


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Nice work, thanks a bunch ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Dear @Erel
Am I allowed to redesign and republish B4A-Bridge in this topic?
I think the answer will be Yes, as members have redesigned it earlier


Licensed User
5 different Bottom Navigation designs presented to you
  1. No Library Needed
  2. You can apply any changes you like to these sources and designs and use them commercially and non-commercially.
  3. Will upload more designs in the same thread


  • Dark.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 673
  • Light.jpg
    42.4 KB · Views: 659
    205.1 KB · Views: 622