#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: Navigations
#VersionCode: 1
#VersionName: 1.0.0
#SupportedOrientations: Portrait
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#MultiDex: True
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
'Hi, my friend
'If you like my design style, you can get help from Me To design your own applications
'[email protected]
Sub Process_Globals
Private xui As XUI
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private Panel2 As Panel
Private Panel3 As Panel
Private Panel4 As Panel
Private Panel5 As Panel
Private Panel6 As Panel
Private activepanel As Panel
Private activetheme As Int
Private clrsactive As List
Private clrsnonactive As List
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
' 1 to 4 For View Navigations
' 5 For Dark View -> Set android:statusBarColor To 414141 theme In Manifest Editor :)
activetheme = 2
activepanel = Panel4
Select activetheme
Case 1
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.Red,Colors.Red)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Gray)
Case 2
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.Green,Colors.Green)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Gray)
Case 3
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.Blue,Colors.Blue)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Gray)
Case 4
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.Magenta,Colors.Magenta)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Gray)
Case 5
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.White,Colors.Red)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Black)
Case Else
clrsactive = Array As Int(Colors.Yellow,Colors.Yellow)
clrsnonactive = Array As Int(Colors.Gray,Colors.Gray)
End Select
' Activity.LoadLayout(activetheme)
' Activity.LoadLayout(activetheme)
' Activity.LoadLayout(activetheme)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Panel6_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Setting clicked","Setting")
activepanel = Panel6
End Sub
Private Sub Panel5_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Order clicked","Order")
activepanel = Panel5
End Sub
Private Sub Panel4_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Home clicked","Home")
activepanel = Panel4
End Sub
Private Sub Panel3_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Recent clicked","Recent")
activepanel = Panel3
End Sub
Private Sub Panel2_Click
xui.MsgboxAsync("Profile clicked","Profile")
activepanel = Panel2
End Sub
Private Sub set_panel_colors(pnl As Panel,clrlst As List)
Dim lbl As Label = pnl.GetView(0).As(Label)
lbl.TextColor = clrlst.Get(0)
Dim lbl As Label = pnl.GetView(1).As(Label)
lbl.TextColor = clrlst.Get(0)
If pnl.NumberOfViews > 2 Then
Dim lbl As Label = pnl.GetView(2).As(Label)
lbl.Color = clrlst.Get(1)
End If
End Sub