I would like to convert an existing website into a webapp.


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I would like to convert an existing website into a webapp.
Unfortunately I have no starting point how to proceed best.

In b4a I am so far fit.

I have already looked at Nano and the Material Framework.
But I don't know which one would make sense.

also the installation on the webserver is #new territory for me.

who can help me here / against payment.

Please per pn.



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Three are the steps to do this:
1) Use existing HTML and CSS code by changing it accordingly to the origin of the starting point (f.e. If I would like to change an existing ASP.NET WebPages site to webapp, for a button (f.e.), I would change the "<asp:button..." to "<button...", I would remove the runat="server", change the ID to lowercase and at last move some properties of the control (like text) in the proper place for single HTML equivalent (f.e. "<asp:button id="btnSend" runat="server" text="Send"></asp:button>" --> "<button id="btnsend">Send<button>"))
2) Apply the website's logic by translating the code using JQueryElements with the same name as the html ids (mind the case of the letters) to trigger the events
3) You can use either handlers or websockets (have a look at this: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/webapp-web-apps-overview.39811/#content)
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Wouldn't it be easiest to just wrap the website? Or is that not allowed by Google nowadays? (I know Apple doesn't allow it.)


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Wouldn't it be easiest to just wrap the website? Or is that not allowed by Google nowadays? (I know Apple doesn't allow it.)

I am not completely sure what you mean by "wrap". If you are talking about <iframe... > then Google downgrades this website SEO and moves you to later pages in Google Search if not removing your site at all as I have heard lately.


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Yeah, I meant what Magma said. But now I realize that perhaps FrankDev meant something else with "webapp". My mind read that as "mobile app", which on second look seems wrong. Sorry about the noise.


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first of all thank you for the feedback.
The current page is programmed in Laravel.

I would like to do this completely new.
No app that the user has to install!

i was thinking about 'BANano' or this material framework.
Like I said... I don't know the material at all.

it should look 'similar' to the current site.
AND i want to program it in b4x language.

@Sandman ,@Magma , @hatzisn

Best regards


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I got the link in a PM and the site seems to basically contain this:
  • articles
  • faq
  • event booking functionality
  • payment (links to Paypal)
There also seems to be an area you can only access using a code, I don't know what's behind there.

Based on what I can see so far I'd say you should just do this as a standard B4XPages app and whip up some apis to your Laravel code. Fairly simple stuff, and you can find lots of code and help in the forum for this.

Two things to note:
  1. I don't think you can use the same payment flow for a mobile app. I think you're required to use the native payment solution for the mobile platform, which means Apple/Google will take a huge chunk of the sweet monies. If you want to avoid that, you need to remove/minimize payment from the mobile app. (For instance: To ensure people show up to the events, you require them to pay €5 via the phone, and the rest when they actually show up to the event, using some method that doesn't rely on the app.)

  2. I have only a vague idea what's behind the login. But I doubt it's overly complicated and would probably be fine to redo as a real app.

Disclaimer: I have never tried BANano and barely understand what it is. So perhaps that's even easier than what I suggested. Do your own research and don't trust my opinion blindly. :) One thing to note though: There are many B4X developers that can help you when/if needed, and there are not so many BANano developers to help you.


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  1. I don't think you can use the same payment flow for a mobile app. I think you're required to use the native payment solution for the mobile platform, which means Apple/Google will take a huge chunk of the sweet monies. If you want to avoid that, you need to remove/minimize payment from the mobile app. (For instance: To ensure people show up to the events, you require them to pay €5 via the phone, and the rest when they actually show up to the event, using some method that doesn't rely on the app.)

I think this is partly wrong. According to the Google's documentation you are required to charge using the Google Play Billing system with what ever has to do with access to more functionality inside the app and subscription services of the same functionality. For physical goods or event booking you can use what ever charging provider you want (I think the description fits in the category physical services).

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first of all thank you for the feedback.
The current page is programmed in Laravel.

I would like to do this completely new.
No app that the user has to install!

i was thinking about 'BANano' or this material framework.
Like I said... I don't know the material at all.

it should look 'similar' to the current site.
AND i want to program it in b4x language.

@Sandman ,@Magma , @hatzisn

Best regards

I couldn't help you with Laravel as I am not php aware.

Peter Lewis

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Do you run your own VPS with root access ?
Where you can run B4J server that will generate the pages as required to server to the clients.
This way you do not have to develop separate apps for the different platforms.
You customers do not have to download any apps.


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If you want to use BANano then you should ask the developer @alwaysbusy
From my understanding, BANano output the website as html and javascript that can run on most hosting server. You may keep part of the PHP Laravel Web app for backend logic and develop the front end using BANano with B4X familiarity. It can produce PWA with manifest file, that when user open with Web browser, they can some sort of "pin" a shortcut to their mobile phone home page as an icon that look like they have install an app on their phone. The app is actually still a website but may appear like a mobile app.