Android Question Looking for an example about scrolling an image

Serge Bertet

Active Member
Licensed User

I am able to load an image 1000x1000 pixels, on screen I can see the top of the image but never the bottom even when scrolling fullScroll bottom. My app is landscape only.

Sub play(id As Int)
Dim name As String
Dim pth As String
Dim speed As Int
Dim bmp As Bitmap

    name = su.DecodeUrl(Starter.db.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT name FROM songlist WHERE ID = " & id), "UTF8")
    pth = su.DecodeUrl(Starter.db.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT path FROM songlist WHERE ID = " & id), "UTF8")
    speed = Starter.db.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT scrollspeed FROM songlist WHERE ID = " & id)
    bmp.Initialize(pth, name)

    Dim bw As Int = bmp.Width  ' 1000
    Dim bh As Int = bmp.Height  ' 1000
    Dim Ar As Double = bh/bw    ' ratio of 1


    ImageView.SetLayout(0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%x*Ar)
    ImageView.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.CENTER, Gravity.FILL)
    ImageView.Bitmap = bmp

    ScrollView2D.SetLayout(0, 0, 100%x, 100%x) ' *Ar)
    ScrollView2D.Panel.Width = 100%x
    ScrollView2D.Panel.Height = 100%y
    ScrollView2D.Panel.AddView(ImageView, 0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%x*Ar)
    ScrollView2D.FullScroll(1, True, True)
End Sub

In the designer there is only a ScrollView2D

Unable to find an example for this case.


Serge Bertet

Active Member
Licensed User
Thx for your answer, I'll try that
I got no errors with this name ... yes this is the name of the component itself, maybe better to change ... I'll see.
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Serge Bertet

Active Member
Licensed User
OK good! It's working with this code :

    bmp.Initialize(pth, name)

    Dim bw As Int = bmp.Width
    Dim bh As Int = bmp.Height
    Dim Ar As Double = bh/bw


    ImageView.SetLayout(0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%y)
    ImageView.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.TOP)
    ImageView.Bitmap = bmp

    SV2D.SetLayout(0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
    SV2D.Panel.Width = bw
    SV2D.Panel.Height = bh

    SV2D.DisableTouchEventInterception(True)  ' Trying to disable user's actions

    SV2D.Panel.AddView(ImageView, 0dip, 0dip, bw, bh)
End Sub

I don't know if there is a way to disable users actions on screen since the scrolling will be done by a timer.

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