Bug? Please allow us to search for single characters, too


Licensed User
Good afternoon

Every IDE and Editor we know is able to find single characters...
unfortunately, B4A does not allow this: it forces us to use at least 2 characters.

This is very annoying if one needs to search for exactly one character and because we found this bug, we really need it.

Please don't ask why we need it. Of course, it can actually be completely fine to search for just one character, for example, if it is a special delimiter.

Of course, we have no problem if B4A needs 0.0123 seconds more time to presents the list with all 23 found positions.

Kind regards,


Licensed User
uff... it's even worse: it's not allowed to search for e.g:

that's really annoying, the search dialog probably trims the search expression. But if we want to search for spaces - why not?


Licensed User
Note that you can use Find / Replace (Ctrl + h instead of Ctrl + f) to search for a single character.
Thanks for this Tip!, it really works.

We don't like this dialog, because it can happen that the replace function is executed by accident. Therefore, a Search Dialog should exactly one single possible function: to Search for something.

We will start some new feature requests...


Licensed User
Btw: even if there is a workaround for the Quick Search issues,
we think they should be fixed (allow to search for one single character, don't use trim for the search expression)